This article covers how you can find search the PTO register to:

Find and import a single patent

In this example we want to import and generate a case for the GB patent with application number GB1318812.3. To find the corresponding official office record:

  1. Enter the application number in the Search box - in this case, GB1318812.3.

  2. In the Find dropdown menu, select Patents

  3. In the by dropdown menu, select Application Number

  4. In the country dropdown menu, select United Kingdom (GB)

  5. Click the Search button 

  6. You'll see a list of PTO results that match your search criteria. In this case we have one matching result. 

  7. Click the View on PTO to view this case on the PTO register and make sure you've got the right case

  8. If this is the correct case, select the circle on the left-hand side of the screen

  9. Click the Import button 

  10. A popup will appear asking you to choose the client to be used for the new case. Enter the client name into the search bar. 

  11. Click Import 

  12. You'll see a screen confirming which data will be imported from the PTO into Equinox 

  13. Set the users that should be assigned to the case. If you have default users set up in the address book for the organisation you have chosen, these fields will be pre-populated. 

    Note: On this system the user roles are called 'Attorney', 'Secretary', 'Formalities' and 'Trainee', but these fields may have different names in your Equinox system.

  14. For the File No you can either:  
    Automatically generate a new number based on the case code generation settings you have in your system 
    Manually enter a new number 

  15. For the Sub-category, select the correct sub-category from the dropdown menu Note: Depending on your system configurations, Equinox may automatically populate this field for you - the default subcategories can be set in System Preferences > Cases.

  16. For Applicants and Inventors, Equinox will check if the applicant/inventor details on the PTO register match the existing details in your address book.

    If Equinox cannot find a matching person in the address book, it'll automatically set the dropdown menu to Create New applicants/inventors.

    If you think the applicant inventor in question is in your address book under a slightly different name, select Link with Equinox other and manually search for the correct address book entry.

    If you don't want to import the applicant/inventor, select Do nothing from the dropdown menu. 

  17. Once you've set all the details you need, click Import

  18. You'll then see the Details tab of the case, which has now been imported into Equinox. A pop-up in the bottom right of the screen will tell you the matter's been imported successfully.

Search for and import  family of patents

In this example we want to find and import PTO data for the patent family that includes EP2365772. 

  1. Enter the application number in the Search box - in this case, EP2365772.

  2. In the Find dropdown menu, select Patents

  3. In the by dropdown menu, select Publication Number

  4. In the country dropdown menu, select European Patent Office (EP)

  5. Click the Search button 

  6. You'll see a list of PTO results that match your search criteria. In this case we have one matching result. 

  7. Click the View on PTO to view this case on the PTO register
    Click View on Questel Database to view this case on Orbit Express to make sure you've got the right case

  8. If this is the correct case, select the circle on the left-hand side of the screen

  9. In the Family field, tick the box next to Include Family Members 

  10. Click the Import button 

  11. A popup will appear asking you to choose the client whose case this is. Enter the client name into the search bar. 

  12. Click Import 

  13. You'll see a screen confirming which data will be imported into Equinox

  14. Set the user roles on the case so they contain the correct details. Depending on your System settings, Equinox may have already filled in this information for you. 

    Note: On this system the user roles are called 'Attorney', 'Secretary', 'Formalities' and 'Trainee', but these fields may have different names in your Equinox system.

  15. Tick the box next to Generate Family

  16. You'll see a box on the top right of the screen explaining the case's family structure 

  17. For the File No you can: 

    Accept the existing family number that's been assigned to all cases in this family

    Automatically generate a new number based on the numbers already in your Equinox system 
    Manually enter a new number 

  18. For the Sub-category, select the correct sub-category from the dropdown menu 
    Note: You must select a sub-category for each family member you're importing 

  19. For Applicants and Inventors, Equinox will check if the applicant/inventor details on the PTO register match the existing details in your address book.

    If Equinox cannot find a matching person in the address book, it'll automatically set the dropdown menu to Create New applicants/inventors.

    If you think the applicant inventor in question is in your address book under a slightly different name, select Link with Equinox other and manually search for the correct address book entry.

    If you don't want to import the applicant/inventor, select Do nothing from the dropdown menu.

  20. Once you've set all the details you need, click the Import button at the bottom of the page

  21. You'll then see the Details tab of the case, which has now been imported into Equinox. A message in the bottom right of the screen will tell you how many matters have been imported successfully. The family tab will show all cases that have been imported.