This section outlines how to create an ad-hoc task within a case. 


Please see the sub-sections below for more information:


One-Off Task Creation Options

There are two ways to add a one-off task to a case:


From the Tasks tab


  1. Open a case and go to the Tasks tab
  2. Click the ‘Add Task’ button in the top right


From a case document


  1. Open a case and go to the Documents tab
  2. Click on a document
  3. Click the ‘Add Task’ button in the top right of the document Details



Tasks added this way will be linked to the Document they are created from. 


When viewing the Document, the linked task will be displayed beneath the document Details.



When viewing the Task, the linked document will be displayed in the top right.




New Task Details

Users will need to record the core information about the new task before it is saved in the system.



Compulsory information to record when creating a new task:


Task Field


Task Description

This field allows users to record a description of the purpose of the task.

Task Due Date

This is the date when the task should be completed.

Task User/Responsible

This field is used to assign the task to a user within the system who is responsible for completing the task. 

Users can receive notifications or emails about their tasks. Please see the section on Task User Preferences for more information on setting this up.


This allows users to specify how vital the task is. There are three levels of task importance:

Fatal –Commonly used for deadlines eg. Renewal deadlines.

Standard – Mark an anticipated completion date but not a final deadline.

Backstop – A general reminder.


The following fields are optional when a one-off task is created:


Task Field


Task Type

This field enables users to categorise tasks e.g. Renewal or Office Action. 

This is useful when filtering for particular deadlines and or building task reports. 

It is possible to customise the Task Types list. Please contact our support team for more information.

Formally Extended

Generally used to indicate if an external source has agreed that a task deadline has been extended.


Select whether an email reminder will be sent to users 5 working days before the task is due.

Note: The email will only be sent if users have enabled email reminders in their task User Preferences.


Record additional information about the task.


  • Click ‘Save’ to add the task to the case


You will be returned to the Tasks tab where the new task is displayed.


All new tasks are automatically created with a status of ‘Live’.


Create an Off-set Task


When creating a task, users can set up offset tasks that have deadlines based on the original task date. It is possible to create a maximum of two offset tasks.


An offset task is set up during the creation of the original task. 


  1. Click ‘Add offset task’ beneath the original task details
  2. Enter the offset task details


Offset Task Field


Offset by

This field is used to calculate the offset task deadline. 

- Enter the number and time period

- Choose if the deadline will be before or after the due date of the original task

E.g 1 Month After the due date of the original task.

Allocate User

Set which user is responsible for the offset task. Click ‘Match Responsible User’ to assign the offset task to the same user responsible for the original task.



 3. Click ‘Add another offset task’ to create another task.


Note: The deadline of all off-set tasks are calculated from the due date of the original task.


When you click ‘Save’ the original task and offset tasks will be created at the same time and saved to the Tasks tab of the case.


You will be able to see whether a task was created as an offset or is linked to any offset tasks when viewing the task Details. For more information on this please see the section on Task Details.