This article outlines how pre-set tasks can be customised for particular clients by creating a pre-set task override.


Using the customisation option enables the same pre-set to be generated differently for certain clients, avoiding the need to duplicate pre-sets task lists.


The following options are available when customising a task:




Prevent certain tasks being created


A large client that does not want to be contacted regarding their renewals. Tasks to report the Renewal are not created for this client.

Calculate a different deadline


A client may request to be notified of new filings within 1 day, rather than 1 week. Tasks to report the Filing to the client have a deadline of 1 day.


This functionality is outlined in the following sub-sections:

Enable a Pre-set Task for Customisation

Before a client override can be applied to a pre-set task, the task needs to be enabled for customisation. To do this:

  1. Go to the System tab > Pre-set Tasks > Click on a Pre-set
  2. Click ‘Edit’ next to the task you want to customise
  3. Tick the ‘Allow Customisation’ option
  4. Click ‘Update’ to save the changes

Set up a Client Task Override

  1. Go to the Address Book > Find the Client Organisation
  2. Click on the ‘Instructions’ tab
  3. Click ‘Add’ > Select the pre-set and task to customise
  4. Note: pre-set tasks are only available in this list if they have been enabled for customisation.

  5.  Choose if the task will be created in the ‘Generate Task’ option
  6. If the task will be created, tick ‘Overwrite Offset’ to customise the task deadline and enter the custom due date calculation
  7. Click ‘Add’ to save the override


View/Edit/Delete Pre-set Task Overrides

There are 2 locations to view pre-set task overrides: the Address Book and the Pre-set Task configuration screen.


Address Book

  1. Go to the Address Book > Find the Client Organisation
  2. Click on the ‘Instructions’ tab

Any pre-set task overrides that are configured for the client will be listed here to edit or delete.


Pre-set Task Configuration

  1. Go to the System tab > Pre-set Tasks > Click on the customised Pre-set
  2. Click ‘Edit’ next to the task that has been customised

Any client overrides are listed beneath the Task Details on the right of the screen.