This article outlines how to add a non-billable charge to a case. This may be required if you have agreed not to charge the client for certain work that has been completed but still want to log the cost.

  1. Go to the Charges tab of a case
  2. Click 'Add Charge'

There are two different ways to record non-billable charges depending on whether the charge is a Time-related fee or a Fixed/Cost fee.

For Time Charges

  1. Set the category to Time.
  2. Set the sub-category to ‘No Charge’
  3. Click ‘Save’


For Standard/Fixed Charges

  1. Tick the ‘Non-chargeable’ box beneath the category and sub-category
  2. Click ‘Save’


On the Charges tab of a case, non-billable charges will have a red, highlighted note, ‘Non-chargeable’ to indicate that the amount will not be charged.

When billing 'non-chargeable' charges, the amount will automatically be set to 0 within the invoice.

Note: If your system uses Charge Approvals then non-billable charges will not be included within an invoice.