Subscribers can record an invoice that has been received for a case e.g. from a foreign associate or a courier charge.

To do this:

  1. Go to the Documents tab of a case and upload the received invoice
  2. Go to the Charges tab and click ‘Add Charge’ in the top right
  3. Record the Charge User, Amount (if in another currency please see the section on ‘Add Charges in Different Currencies’), Date, Description, Category/Sub-category
  4. Enter a Paid Date to record when the invoice was paid (this can also be added after the charge has been created)

  5. Click the Supporting Documents drop-down and select the invoice that has been uploaded to the Documents tab of the case
    Note: When viewing the charge later, users can download the supporting document to see which invoice this charge is related to

  6. Optional: In the 'Associated Organisation' field type and select the name of the Associate Location in your Address Book that has sent the invoice to you
  7. Optional: In the 'Parent Charge' field select another charge on the case to act as the parent (This field is relevant if the client may already have been charged for this work)

  8. Click ‘Cancel’ to go back or click ‘Save’ to add the charge to the case
  9. You will be taken to the Charges tab of the case


New charges will not be marked as ‘Billed’ until they have been invoiced. Please see the section on ‘Billing & Invoicing’ for more information on how to do this.

Note: In-House subscribers that record charges in this way do not need to bill the charge.