To record an advance payment, it is possible to add a charge with a negative amount.

  1. Go to the Charges tab
  2. Click ‘Add Charge’
  3. Select the Charge User
  4. Enter the amount as a negative number e.g. -100
  5. Record the Charge Date, Description, Category/Sub-category.
  6. Add any extra charge details (Please see ‘Charge Information Fields’)
  7. Click ‘Save’ to add the advance payment/credit amount to the case
  8. Click ‘Cancel’ to go back OR click ‘Save’ to add the charge to the case.
  9. You will be taken to the Charges tab of the case.


Negative charge amounts are displayed in red text.

When generating an invoice that includes a negative charge, the invoice total will subtract the negative amount.

New charges will not be marked as ‘Billed’ until they have been invoiced. Please see the section on ‘Billing & Invoicing’ for more information on how to do this.