This article outlines how you can write off a charge using the left hand menu option.

When a charge is written off it cannot be billed. This should be used if you have agreed not to charge the client for work that has been completed.

Note: Any systems using the Charge Approvals module should write off charges through the Charge Approval screen instead.

To use the ‘Write Off Charges’ option:

  1. Go to the Charges tab of a case
  2. Select ‘Write Off Charges’ in the left hand menu
  3. Enter a ‘Write-Off Date’ (this will default to today’s date)
  4. Filter by ‘Description’, ‘Category’, ‘Subcategory’ or ‘Attorney’ to find the charge(s).
  5. Use the tick box to select the charge(s) to be written off (the first tick box will select all that are visible)
  6. Click ‘Write Off Charges’


The charge will be written off straight away. You will be returned to Charges tab of the case.

On the Charges tab, the details of ‘Written Off’ charges are displayed in grey text with a status of ‘Write Off’.

Reverse a Written Off Charge

To convert a written off charge back to a billable charge:

  1. Click on the Description of the written off charge
  2. Click ‘Un-do Write Off’ next to the Billed status

The charge status will be updated to ‘Not Billed’.