The billing discount functionality enables users to add percentage discounts to:

  • Time charges (Professional Fees)
  • Fixed charges (Standard Fees)


These discounts are applied during the billing process when the invoice is being generated.

The percentage discount is applied to all Time or Fixed charges that are within the invoice being generated.

You can add billing discounts in two ways:

  • When generating an invoice 
  • Pre-configure for clients within the Address Book

Users require certain permissions to be able to bill invoices.

Note: Equinox has two discount functions:

  • Charge Discounts (these are applied automatically when charges are created) 
  • Billing Discounts (these are applied during the billing process when the invoice is generated)

If you use the Charge Discounts and Billing Discounts in conjunction, the billing discount will be applied on top of any charge discount when the invoice is generated. It is possible to manually disable billing discounts at Step 1 of the billing process. 

For more information on managing billing discounts see the articles below: