To add an existing associate contact to a case:

  1. Go to the case > Contacts Tab
  2. Click on the 'Associates' section
  3. Click 'Add Foreign Associate/Add Associate' in the top right

There are two ways to find the associate you want to add to the case, depending on the functionality enabled within your system.

Add a Preferred Associate to a Case

If your system uses Correspondence Management, the Preferred Associates functionality is available to suggest which associate should be added to a case.

  1. Open a case and go to the Contact tab
  2. Click on the ‘Associates’ section
  3. Click ‘Add Associate’/‘Add Foreign Associate’
  4. Search for Preferred Associates:
    > Amend the country if needed (this defaults to match the case country)
    > Click ‘Search’ (any Preferred Associates that are configured for the case client/category/subcategory/country will be found)
  5. Select a ‘Preferred Associate’
  6. Click ‘Add Contact’

Manually add an Associate to a Case

If your system does not use the Preferred Associates functionality or no Preferred Associates are found, it is possible to manually select any Associate from your Address Book. 

  1. Amend the country if necessary
  2. Select the Associate from the drop down list
  3. Select the location address
  4. Type an Associate Reference if known
  5. Click ‘Add Contact’