This section will outline the steps to create a new custom report.
Note: The screenshots illustrate the example of creating a report to list overdue tasks within an Equinox account that are assigned to users Agnes and Bertie. Any italicised text provides more information about creating this example report.
To create a new report, go to the Reports tab > click on Report Generator.
First you will need to select the type of report you would like to create (see Report Types).
Example: ‘Case & Task’ report is selected to create a report of overdue tasks.
Once you have selected your report type you will be taken through 3-5 steps to create a report.
- Step 1. Report Header
- Step 2. Report Columns
- Step 3. Report Case Selection
- Step 4. Report Sorting (Optional)
- Step 5. Report Grouping (Optional)
Step 1. Report Header
Record the report details.
- Report Title: This will appear as the name of the report on the Reporting Home Screen.
Example: ‘Overdue Tasks for Agnes and Bertie’ - Description: Add more information about the purpose of the report.
Example: ‘This report includes all overdue tasks assigned to Agnes and Bertie.’ - User: Assign the report to an individual within the system.
The system will default to assign the report to yourself. These reports are listed under ‘My Reports’ on the Reports Menu.
Users can also choose to assign the report to:
Report User | Description |
All system users [All] | This will save the report under ‘Organisation System Reports’ on the Reporting Home Screen. |
Another system user | This will save the report under ‘Other Users Reports’ on the Reporting Home Screen. |
A client user | This assigns the report to a client that has a login to a Client Access Portal. This will save the report under ‘Client Access Reports’ on the Reporting Home Screen. The client would also be able to view any report assigned to them within their Client Access Portal. |
Click in the bottom right corner for Step 2.
Step 2. Report Columns
Choose what fields of information are included as columns within your report.
This screen is split into three sections:
- Columns in Report
- Search for Columns
- Add Columns
Columns in Report:
On the right you have a list of ‘Columns in report’. One default column is automatically included in the report, the default column will vary depending on the type of report you are creating. Eg. for a Case & Task report the ‘Case Code’ will automatically be included.
The list of fields included in the report with be displayed as columns from left to right, with the first field in the list as the far left column.
Search For Columns:
If you know the name of any fields you would like to add to your report you can type column names into the search bar and Equinox will suggest any fields that match. To add the field to the list of columns within the report click on the field name.
Add Columns:
The section on the right provides a full list of all fields that can be included as a column in the report. These are broken down into categories which can be expanded by clicking on the category name or ‘+’ sign. To collapse a category, click again on the category name or the ‘-’ sign.
The categories and fields that are available to add to the report will vary depending on the type of report a user is creating. The screen shots in this example show the categories available when creating a ‘Task & Case’ report.
Note: Please see the section on ‘Report Column Categories’ for more information on the fields available to add to each type of report.
To add a column simply click on a field name and it will be moved to the ‘Columns in report’ list on the left.
Example: The report being created will be used to display any overdue tasks that are assigned to users Agnes and Bertie.
The columns included within the report have been selected from the category ‘All Tasks’.
The fields in the screen shot below have been selected to show the task information.
Once multiple fields have been added, it is possible to reorder the column fields by draging them up or down.
To remove a column from the list click on the red ‘’ next to the field name.
When you are happy with the columns in the report click in the bottom right corner for Step 3.
Step 3. Report Case Selection
Apply filters to your report to select the information you require.
Users can apply filters to any fields that appear in the list of available columns to add to the report. Filters can be applied to fields that are not included within the report in most cases.
Note: If you are applying a filter to any case user fields (e.g Attorney, Formalities, Secretary, Trainee) you will need to include this field as a column within your report.
The following steps, outlined below, advise how to add filters to your report:
Select the field you would like to filter
Define the search operator
Enter the search object
Additional Filters
Example: The example illustrates a user creating a report to find overdue tasks assigned to users Agnes and Bertie.
The report will require filters to find any uncompleted tasks where the due date is in the past and the task user is either Agnes or Bertie.
The screenshots show the first filter being added to find only live tasks: Task Status is not ‘Done’.
a. Select the field you would like to filter from the first drop down list
Once you have selected a field to filter the next drop down list will be updated with available filter options that can be used in step (B).
b. Define the search operator you would like to apply to the field from the second drop down list
Example: The user only wants the report to include live tasks that have not been completed. So a filter is applied to find any tasks where the status is ‘Not Exactly’ ‘Done’.
Search Operator | Explanation |
Exactly | Find data in this field with a specific value. |
Not exactly
| Find data in this field that does not match a specific value. |
Greater than | Find data in this field greater than a certain value. Used for numerical or date values. E.g find numerical values larger than the number specified, or dates after the date specified. |
Less than | Find data in this field that is less than a certain value. Used for numerical or date value. E.g find numerical values smaller than what is specified, or dates before the date specified. |
>= | Find data in this field that is equal to or greater than a certain value. Used for numerical or date values. |
<= | Find data in this field that is equal to or less than a certain value. Used for numerical or date values. |
Contains | Find results where this field includes certain characters or words. |
Not contains | Find results where this field does not include certain characters or words. |
Empty | Find results where this field is blank. |
Not Empty | Find results where this field is populated.
c. Enter the search object in the third box
The options available in this last box will vary depending on what field is selected in step (a).
Example: The user has selected ‘Task Status’. The available task statuses are displayed in the dropdown list in the last field.
This example uses the default Task Status list available in Equinox, some dropdown lists are customisable so your system may have additional task status options.
The user is looking for uncompleted tasks and will select to find any tasks where the ‘Task Status’ is ‘Not Exactly’ ‘Done’.
Depending on the field the filter is being applied to, the object can be entered in the following ways:
- Type the Object you are searching for
This option is available for fields where users can record free text within the system. E.g. a client name or case title. - Select the Object from a drop down list
This option is available for fields in Equinox that have a pre-configured list. E.g. a case category or task status. - Leave the Object blank
This is used when you are search for fields that are empty. E.g. where ‘Priority Date’ field is not populated. - Set a date as the object
This is used when the filter is for a date field E.g. Filing Date or Task Due Date
Example: In the example report the user is creating a list of any overdue tasks assigned to users Agnes and Bertie. A filter has been added to find tasks where the Task deadline is in the past: ‘Task Due Date’ is ‘Less Than’ today’s date.
When you click in the object field on the far right a pop-up box will appear to select what date option you want to apply.The table below outlines the different Date Value Options:
Date Option |
Specific date
This will set a fixed date that will remain the same each time the report is run.
This is commonly used for one-off reports.
Today’s date will automatically be highlighted. Use the Month and Year drop down options to select a different period, then click on a date. |
Dynamic Date
This option provides a list of time periods that are dependent on when the report is run. Each time the report is run, the results will be updated to match the time periods selected.
E.g. Users may desire a monthly report of Renewal tasks due in the next 6 months. Select a dynamic date of ‘Next 6 Months’. When the report is run each month, the results will be for the following 6 months. |
Calculate Specific Date (from now dynamically)
This option provides some more customisation on the pre-configured time periods set up as Dynamic Dates. Here you can select:
The results in the report will be updated automatically to match the time period selected based on when the report is run. |
Example: The user has selected a dynamic date of ‘Today’ to find all tasks with a due date in the past.
- You can add more than one filter to a report.
- It is possible to apply more than one filter on the same field.
- In most cases you can apply a filter to a field that is not included as a column in the report.
d. Additional Filters
There are two options to create additional filters:
- ‘Add AND Filter’
- ‘+OR’
‘Add AND Filter’ - This creates a separate additional filter. This is an inclusive filter so any results found in the report will need to match the criteria outlined in each ‘AND’ clause.
Example: The user is finding a list of all overdue tasks assigned to Agnes and Bertie. They have added the first filter to find tasks that are not completed. The second filter that has been added finds tasks that have a deadline in the past.
To remove an ‘AND’ filter click the red ‘’ in the top right hand corner.
‘+OR’ - This allows you to add additional criteria to an existing filter. Any results in the report will need to match at least one of the criteria outlined within a filter that uses an ‘OR’ clause.
Example: The user aims to find overdue tasks assigned to Agnes and Bertie. The user has added an additional ‘AND’ filter on the ‘Task User’ field and used the ‘+OR’ option to specify that the task should be assigned to either Agnes OR Bertie.
To remove an ‘OR’ filter click the red ‘’ next to the filter row.
Example: The final filters in the example report are displayed below. This report will find all uncompleted tasks, that have a deadline in the past and are assigned to either Agnes or Bertie.
If you do not want to use the optional report settings in step 4 and 5 click the button when you have configured your report columns and filters to view the results that are found.
Remember to click the ‘Save’ button to be able to return to the report later.
Please see the section on ‘View Report Results’ for further information on this screen.
Step 4. Report Sorting (Optional)
This step allows you to order the results found within the report based on certain fields/columns.
Any fields being used to order the results will be displayed on the left under ‘Order by’.
Example: The user is creating a report to find overdue tasks assigned to Agnes and Bertie. They have added the option to order the results by ‘Task Due Date’. To see which tasks are most overdue.
To add an order option:
- Select one of the ‘Available Fields’ on the right
The available fields match the fields available to add as columns and filter within the report. These are grouped into categories that can be expanded by clicking on a category name or the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ signs. The categories may vary depending on the type of report being created.
- Click on a field
The field will be added to the ‘Order by’ list on the left.
- Choose to order by Ascending (smallest value at the top) or Descending (largest value at the top)
The order will be either alphabetical or numerical depending on the field.
- To remove the ordering for a particular field, click on the red ‘x’ next to the field name
It is possible to add more than one ordering field. Each ordering field will be applied depending on the sequence they have been created.
Example: In the screen shot above, the results will be ordered:
- first by Task Due Date, with the most recent tasks listed first
- secondly by the Task User, with the users listed in alphabetical order
In the example report that finds overdue tasks for Agnes and Bertie, if both users had a task due on the same day, Agnes’ tasks would be listed above Bertie’s.
Click to add report Grouping (see next section).
Or click the button to view the report results. If you are previewing the report, remember to click ‘Save’ to be able to return to the report later.
Please see the section on ‘View Report Results’ for further information on this screen.
Step 5. Report Grouping (Optional )
This step allows you to group the results found within a report depending on certain fields/columns.
E.g. In a case report you can group results by attorney or in a task report you can group results by case.
On this screen, any field being used to group results will be displayed on the left under ‘Group by’.
To add a group option:
- Select one of the ‘Available Fields’ on the left
These are grouped into categories that can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on a category name or ‘+’ or ‘-‘ fields. The categories may vary depending on the type of report being created. - Click on a field
It will be added to the ‘Group by’ list on the left. - To remove a grouping click on the red ‘x’ next to the field name
Note: When a report is grouped it will only display one row per result in the grouped field. The report will hide any additional rows that may have been found with the same result in the grouped field.
Click the button to view the results that are found. Remember to click the ‘Save’ button to be able to return to the report later.
Please see the section on ‘View Report Results’ for further information on this screen.
Note: It is not possible to add or amend a report group option unless Advanced Reporting is enabled as this can change the results display. Please see the section on ‘Export Settings – Advanced’ for more information.