This article outlines how to view the results with reports in your Equinox account.


When creating a new report, you have the option to click ‘Preview’ to view the results.

If you want to view an existing report that has been saved in the system:

  1. Go to the Reports tab
  2. Find and click on the name of the report you want to view


The subsections below cover:



Report Options


When you click on the name of the report, it will take you to view the results.


Across the top of the screen there are three sections with reporting options:





Areas to update


This allows you to view or amend the report details.

  • Name
  • Description
  • User
  • Save/Delete


Note: The ‘Save’ option is only available when the report is first created or when a change has been made to the report. 

If you have assigned the report to a different User, make a change to the report Name or Description to be able to Save. 



This allows you to change the display and selection of the report results.

  • Columns
  • Filters
  • Ordering 
  • Grouping (only available with Advanced Reporting see Export Settings - Advanced)

Note: See the section on ‘Updating Reports’ for more information on these options.



This allows you to download the report in various formats.


Use the drop down arrow in the top right to choose if the export will use the formatting set up in the Export Settings.


Note: Please see the section on Export Settings to configure these file formats.


  • Excel
  • PDF
  • CSV




Filter Report Results

It is possible to filter the results displayed using the fields at the top of each column.


Type what you want to filter on in the top of the column and click ‘Filter’.


Adding filters here will not change the results that are found in the report, it will only change the results that are displayed. 


Click the ‘Clear Filter’ option to view all the results again.


Results/Items Displayed Per Page

You can control how many results are displayed per page using the ‘Items per page’ option.

The system defaults to show 50 results per page. You can increase this to up to 500[SB2]  results per page.


View the Total Number of Results

To view the total number of rows within the report scroll to the bottom of the first page of results and click on the page total that is displayed.


The total will update to include additional pages of results. Keep clicking this total until it displays a number without a ‘+’ symbol.