Equinox lets you make bulk updates to case fields. The case fields you can bulk update are:

  • Users
  • Case Details
  • Additional Case Fields
  • Case Contacts

Note: You can only bulk update one field at a time.

Example - Bulk Updating the User field

In this example, we'll bulk update the User field. In this case we're changing the case Attorney, re-assigning cases from Agnes Alpha to Bertie Beta.

To bulk update cases in Equinox:
  1. Go to the Reports menu and select the report that contains the cases you want to update, or create a new report via the Report Generator

  2. Click the Adjust Cases in selection button on the Reporting screen

  3. A popup will appear where you can Select Field to Adjust. Select the option you want to implement for the field you want to update. In this case we're updating the Attorney field under Users

Note: You can customise case field names in Equinox, so some case fields within your system may have different names.

4. Select the cases you want to update. In this case we're reassigning cases from Agnes Alpha to Bertie Beta.

5. Click Show/Hide ticked Cases only if you only want to see selected cases on your screen

Note: You can tick a box on this screen to also reassign tasks on the selected cases from the previous user to the new user. See our article on bulk updating tasks for more information.

6. Select the Attorney you want to reassign these cases to from the dropdown menu.

7. Click Update to amend the field on all the selected cases.

8. This will immediately update the cases. 

Note: It's not possible to automatically reverse a bulk update, but you can see all of your saved case results in the bulk update log.