The 'Family Adjust' options enables you to manually edit data across all cases within the same family.

When you select this option you will be taken to the Adjust Families screen. There are 4 ways you can adjust a family:

Note: It is possible to use a pre-set task component to automatically update case information based on the parent/child relationship between cases. For more information on this please see the module on Task Management.

To update case information across unrelated cases, please see the section on ‘Bulk Updating Report Results’.


Family Member Data

Select this option to update case details for multiple cases within the same family.

1. Choose 1 field from the list to update > Click ‘Proceed’ OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.

2. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.

3. In the field below the selected family members enter the new data to record in this field.

4. Click ‘Update’ to save the new data.

5. Click ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information within the family.

Family Member Contacts

Select this option to update the contacts stored on multiple cases within the same family.

From the buttons across the top of the screen select the type of contact you would like to update.

a) Change Client

b) Change Who pays the bill

c) Edit Applicant/Edit Inventors/Edit Associates


a) Change Client

 There will be three tabs to edit the clients on a case.

Change Client

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. In the ‘Set the Client to’ field below the selected family members type the name of the new primary client.
  3. Click ‘Update’ to save the new data.
  4. Click ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information within the family.

Add Additional Clients

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. In the ‘Add’ field below the selected family members type the name of the new primary client.
  3. Select the correct location.
  4. Click ‘Add’ to save the new data.
  5. You will be returned to the ‘Change Client’ tab.
  6. Click the ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information.

Delete Additional Clients

Additional clients for each case will be listed in the column on the right.

  1. Tick the box next to the name of any additional clients that need to be removed from a case.
  2. Click ‘Delete’ to immediately remove the additional client(s).
  3. You will be returned to the ‘Change Client’ tab.
  4. Click the ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information.



b) Change Who pays the bill

To edit the location that is billed for the case:

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. In the ‘Set the Who pays the bill to’ field below the selected family members type the name of the location you want to bill.
  3. Click ‘Update’ to save the changes.


c) Edit Applicant/Edit Inventors/Edit Associates

There are two options to edit Applicant, Inventor and Associate contacts.

Add contacts

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. Type the name of the new contact in the field below the selected family members.
  3. Click ‘Add Contact’ to save the changes.
  4. Click the ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information.


Delete contacts

  1. Existing contacts for each case will be listed in the column on the right.
  2. Tick the box next to the name of any contacts that need to be removed from a case.
  3. Click ‘Delete’ to immediately remove the additional contact(s).
  4. You will be returned to the ‘Add Contact’ tab.
  5. Click the ‘Family Adjust Menu’ to return to update more information.

Add/Remove Priorities

To Add

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Cancel’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. Type the details of the new priority date in the fields below the selected family members.
  3. Click ‘Add Priority’ to save the changes.
  4. Click the ‘Back’ to return to the Family Adjust menu to update more information. 

To Delete


 1. Click ‘Delete’ next to the priority date that need to be removed from a case. 

 2. The date will be removed immediately, this is non-reversible.

 3. Click the ‘Back’ to return to update more information.

Data Cleansing

This function is designed to help you clean up data where the national filing details have been placed in the filing field.

This update will replace any data in the Nat/Reg entry field with data in the Filing field. This action cannot be undone.

  1. Tick the box on the left next to the case code of any family members that need to be updated OR Click ‘Back’ to go back to the previous screen.
  2. Click ‘Move’ to transfer data from the Filing date fields into the Nat/Reg Entry fields. Any data in the Nat/Reg Entry field will be overwritten.

Note: Only the Country Code field and Number field will be transferred as part of the Data Cleansing. The date field will need to be entered manually if it requires updating.