If Smart Templates are enabled within your Equinox account, they are stored in the following location:

  1. Go to the System tab
  2. Click on Standard Templates
  3. Smart Templates are listed at the bottom

There are 4 elements used to create a Smart Template:





Master Template

This is a Word document that acts as the base template for letter correspondence. Typically used to stores the header/footer design and any other graphic that is always required for a piece of correspondence. 

Word Header containing your company logo

Word Footer containing your contact information


This contains custom information, depending on the recipient. 

Note: This is different from the header within your Word document.

The contact address details 

Headings or subject line of an e-mail

Case references


This contains the greeting and main body of text within the correspondence. This may include a range of fields that are populated based on case or contact information. 

Body of the letter/email


This contains the final text that is added to a piece of correspondence. The sign-off typically includes a user’s signature, formal name and job title. 

Signature image

User Title


 These template elements are combined to produce correspondence as follows:


Smart Templates should be set up in the following order:

  1. Create and upload your Master Templates (Includes information consistent across all templates)
  2. Set up your Sign-Off (Configure your signatures) 
  3. Configure your Headers (Includes information that is used across all templates but that is dependent on the recipient
  4. Add your Content (Body of the correspondence)

For more information on configuring each element please see the articles below :