To delete a Location, users would first need to complete the following:

1. Delete or reassign all people at that Location


2. Update any cases where the Location is a contact

The Location will need to be removed from any cases where it is the Billing contact, Associate or Other Side Contact on a case. 

  • Please see the module on Case Navigation for more information.

If any invoices have been issued to this Location, please contact our Support Team to have them reassigned to another Location or merge this Location with a different Location in the Address Book to transfer the invoices.

Once the People have been deleted and any case contacts have been removed, you can delete the Location:

  1. Go to the Address Book
  2. Search and click on the name of the Organisation the Location is linked to
  3. Click on the name of the Location in the Address Details in the bottom left
  4. Click ‘Delete’

    Note: If any People or cases are still linked to this location users will see a warning that indicates what information still needs to be updated or removed before the Location can be deleted.

  5. On the Summary screen tick the box to confirm the Location should be deleted
  6. Click ‘Delete’ to confirm or click ‘Cancel’ to go back

This action is non-reversible.