Equinox Version 8.1 was released November 2019.

Some of the new features are not enabled by default. Please contact our Support Team to start using these features as indicated in the table below.

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
Address BookAuthoritiesReplaces the Official Offices section on the Contacts tab of a case to allow users to manage the contact information.
CasesImprovements to Goods & ClassesEnable users to record Tm and design Goods/Services in multiple languages. Display a count of the number of classes.Yes
Ability to change case category when creating cases via the Left Hand Menu optionsUsers can now amend the category of a case when creating new cases using the Left Hand Menu options e.g. Copy Case.
This enables users to copy a Patent case and amend the category to Opposition.

Correspondence/System SetupSmart TemplatesFlexible templating and ability to send/generate emails from Equinox using Outlookg 365 or an Exchange Server.Yes
FinanceBudgetsAdd and track budgets on cases.
Produce Invoices in PDFProduce invoices in PDF format, rather than Word.