This article outlines how Equinox can be used to configure a set case code pattern for all users within the same Equinox system. This pattern enables users to:

  • Automatically generate case codes when creating new cases
  • Standardise case codes for consistency


The case code pattern is stored under System > Case Code Generation

Note: Only users with Admin permissions are able to set/edit the case code pattern.

The case code pattern configured in the System settings only applies to cases created via the ‘New case’ option on the Main Menu or in the Toolbar.

Please see the sections below for more information:

Case Code Pattern Options


The Equinox case code pattern can be built using set characters that represent the following elements:



Case Code Character

Client Code

This is recorded in the Address Book Organisation. The length of the Client Code would need to be standardised across all contacts e.g. 3 characters long.



lower case

Country Code

This will include the 2-character country code of the case.


upper case

Case Category Code

This code is dependent on the category of the case. It is possible to have a 1 OR 2 characters configured for each category (e.g. P for Patent, T for Trademark OR PA for Patent, TM for Trademark etc.)


Note: Users would need to contact our Equinox Support team to enter the Category Codes to use in the case code generation.


upper case

Subcategory Code

This code is dependent on the subcategory of the case. It is possible to have a maximum of 4 characters configured for each subcategory (eg. FIL for First Filing, CIP for Continuation in Part etc.)

Note: Users would need to contact our Equinox Support team to enter the Category Codes to use in the case code generation. The subcategory code is not supported when generating new case codes using the case creation tools in the left hand menu of an existing case (e.g. Copy Case, Nationalise PCT etc.)


lower case

Unique Case Number

This number increments each time a case is created, depending on the Mode.

nnn = 001



Mode 1: Independent numbering (P-001, T-002)

Mode 2: Numbering by category code (P-001, T-001 etc.)

Mode 3: Numbering by client code (P-IBM-1, T-IBM-2, P-APP-1, T-APP-2)

Mode 4: Numbering by client code AND category (IBM-P-001, IBM-T-001)


PunctuationIt is possible to add punctionation into your case codes to break up the elements e.g. brackets or hyphens

Note: It is not possible to add punction within the case's unique number e.g. you cannot use nnn-nnn
( ) OR -


Example Case Code Pattern


[Category Code ] [5-digit number] [Country Code]


The case code above would be defined using the following sequence of characters:

[S] [nnnnn] [C]


e.g. P00001GB, P00002EU, T00003CA, T00005AU

Configure/Edit Case Code Pattern

Note: Only users with Admin permissions are able to edit the case code pattern. If amended, the pattern would be changed for all users in the same Equinox system.

To set or edit your new case code pattern:

    1. Go to the System tab > Case Code Generation

    2. Enter the following information:






Enter the sequence of characters to define your case code.

e.g. SnnnnnC


(Category Code-5 digit number-Country Code)


Select the mode to determine how your case numbers increment.

Mode 1: Independent numbering (P-001, T-002)

Mode 2: Numbering by category code (P-001, T-001 etc.)

Mode 3: Numbering by client code (PIBM-1, TIBM-2, PAPPLE-1, TAPPLE-2)

Mode 4: Numbering by client code AND category (IBM-P-001, IBM-T-001)

Starting Number

If you have the ‘Strict Mode’ enabled the case numbers will start from the number entered here.

e.g. 100

Using 2 letter category codes

If using 2 letter category codes, tick this box.

E.g. PA for Patent, 

TM for Trade Mark, 

RD for Registered Design

Strict Mode

If you want to force the case numbers to start from a specified number, change this to ‘Enabled’ and enter the first number in the ‘Starting Number’ field.

Note: Users should not set this Starting Number to a number smaller that existing case codes, as this will cause errors generating duplicate case codes.


    3. Click ‘Update’ to save the case code pattern


Note: Before updating your case code pattern, we would recommend contacting our Support Team to ensure your existing case code generation is not disrupted.


Additional Case Code Preferences


When using the ‘Validate EP’ and ‘Nationalise PCT’ left hand menu options to create new cases from an existing one, there are some extra preferences that can be enabled to customise the new case codes.

In general, the country code of the national case will be added to the end of the existing case code.


Nationalising a PCT: P0001WO > P0001WOXX (XX is the country code of the national case)

Validating an EP: P0001EP > P0001EPXX (XX is the country code of the validation case)

The following options are available to enabled by contacting our Support team:



Remove WO and EP from nationalisation and validation cases

Parent case: P0001WO 

National case: P0001XX

Add a hyphen before adding the new country code when nationalising and validating cases

Parent case: P0001WO

National case: P0001WO-XX

Remove 'WO' from Validation of EP cases where the European case was created from a PCT applicationParent case: P0001WOEP
Validation case: P0001EPXX

When validating an EP the country code will be added in brackets

Parent case: P0001EP

Validation case: P0001EP(XX)