This article outlines how to create a new budget:

  1. Go to the Finance Tab > Budgets
  2. Click ‘Create Budget’
  3. Enter the budget information





Add a description for the purpose/cases/client the budget is relevant to.


(Optional) Record any information relevant to the budget. E.g. agreements with the client.

Start Date/End Date

(Optional) Enter a date period where this budget is valid.


Enter the full amount of the budget.

Include VAT in Amount

Specify if VAT should be included within the budget amount.

Managed By

Select a user that will be responsible for monitoring the budget.


Tick to make the budget available on the relevant cases.


Note: Don't forget to tick the box to make the Budget active or it will not be available on cases.

Once the budget has been created, the next step is to add cases to the budget. Please see 'Allocate a Budget to a Case'.