This article outlines how charges can be allocated to a budget when the charge is created or by editing the charge Details after it has been created.

Note: Before you can add a charge to a budget you would need to ensure that the desired budget is Active and that the budget has been allocated to the relevant case(s).

When creating an individual charge select an ‘Active’ budget from the ‘Available Budget’ drop down.

When adding charge sheet items to a case there is a drop down in the top right to allocate the charges to a budget.

When viewing the Details of a charge you can see if the charge has been allocated to a budget by checking the ‘Budget’ field.

Note: It is not possible to allocate a charge to an Inactive budget (budgets are Inactive by default!) or assign a charge to a budget if the date is outside the budget date range. If the budget is not available on charges check that the Budget details to confirm it is Active AND within the current Date Range.

When invoices are generated for charges that are allocated to a budget, the overview of the budget will be visible at Step 3 of the Billing Wizard.