This article outlines how to resolve the 'Retrieving Email Failed' message that can be displayed when marking an email correspondence task as Done.

When an email correspondence task is marked as Done, Equinox checks the Outlook Sent items of the user that has generated the email to ensure it has been sent.

If Equinox cannot find the sent email, the above message is displayed.

The sent email may not be found if:

- The email is still in your Draft folder and has not been sent. In this scenario:

  1. Click 'Close' on this message
  2. Send the email
  3. Mark the task as Done

- The user that generated the email from Equinox has not sent the email e.g. they have moved the email to a different Outlook inbox and someone else has sent the email. In this scenario:

  1. Click 'Discard' to stop Equinox searching for the Sent email
  2. Mark the task as Done

Note: When the correspondence is Discarded, Equinox cannot automatically save the sent email into Equinox.