The Equinox homepage is now a fully customisable dashboard, allowing you full control over the key statistics and details immediately available to you. Our dashboard comprises of a wide selection of configurable widgets, including as graphs, counts and maps, to give you a clear picture of your portfolio. Dashboards can be enabled systemwide, for specific roles as well as for specific users, so you can keep the information your team sees relevant. We have set up a default dashboard, for the first time you sign in, with a few widgets that will look familiar.

This article covers:

  • Creating a new dashboard
  • Making data available to widgets 
  • Creating a widget 
  • Assigning widgets to dashboards

Create a New Dashboard

  1. Go to System > Dashboards.
  2. Click ‘Create Dashboard’ in the Dashboards section.
  3. You can configure the basic information about your dashboard and preview it here.




    The name of the dashboard, this will appear on the homepage so you can easily navigate to the correct one when using multiple dashboards.


    Whether or not the dashboard is available to use on the homepage.


    The order in which the dashboards will appear on the homepage. Set this field to 1 to make the dashboard the first one that appears when using multiple dashboards.

    Company Default Dashboard

    Check this box to enable this dashboard as the first available across the company.


    Please note:  If no roles or users are assigned, all users and roles will be able to see the dashboard if it has been set as ‘Company Default’.

    Assigned Roles

    Use this section to assign the dashboard to all users within a specific role at your organisation.

    Assigned Users

    Use this section to assign the dashboard to specific users within your organisation.


    Click ‘Assign Widget’ to begin customising your dashboard with new information blocks.


    Please see our instructions on making data available to widgets, creating widgets and assigning widgets to dashboards to find out more about this.

  4. When you are done, click Update in the settings box.

Make Data Available to Widgets

  1. Go to Reports.
  2. Create a new report, or access one of your organisation’s existing reports.
  3. In the report settings at the top of the page, check the ‘Available For Widgets’ checkbox.

Create a Widget

  1. Go to System > Dashboards.
  2. In the ‘Widgets’ section chose an option from the dropdown. Here you have a choice of predefined formats to use as a base for the widget.

    Widget Type


    Chart Widget

    Creates a simple chart from the data in the chosen report. There are three chart options: bar, line, and doughnut.


    Please note: When setting up a chart widget, it is advised that a height of no less than 3 is used.

    Map Widget

    Represents all matter country codes in the chosen report as an interactive density map.

    Data Table Widget

    Displays a simple table of up to the first 50 results of the chosen report.

    HTML Widget

    Allows custom text, images, external links and more. This also comes with a preconfigured navigation block from our previous homepage, with links to key functionality.

    Report Count Widget

    Creates and displays a count from the chosen report’s data. Enabling count mode will show a total number of results in the report, for example the number of tasks assigned to a user. Alternatively enabling sum mode will mathematically add data together, for example to show the total of all unbilled charges per client. The icon displayed above the count can be customised.

    Live Count Widget

    Displays a count of key metrics from across the system.


    Please note: The metrics available for Live Counts are predefined and not customisable. See Report Count Widget if you require some data not available in Live Count widgets.  

  3. Click ‘Create Widget’.
  4. Name and customise your widget.
  5. Click ‘Create’.
  6. Your widget is now available in the dashboarding menu and can be assigned to dashboards.

Assign Widgets to Dashboards

  1. Go to System > Dashboards
  2. Create a new dashboard or access an existing one
  3. Click ‘Assign Widgets’
  4. Select a widget and configure its appearance on the page.




    A dropdown of fully configured widgets available in your system.  Please see our instructions on making data available to widgets and creating widgets to find out more about how to do this.


    How wide the widget appears on the page, out of a maximum of 12. For example, a widget with a width of 6 will occupy half the page.


    How tall the widget appears on the page, out of a maximum of 12. For example, a widget with a height of 3 will occupy a quarter of the height of the page.


    Please note: When setting up a chart widget, it is advised that a height of no less than 3 is used.

    Starting Position

    This indicates the order in which the widgets should appear on the page. The starting position for each widget on a given dashboard must be different, otherwise widgets will appear over one another.

  5. Click ‘Assign’ to add your widget to the dashboard.