New Features

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
DocumentsDrag and Drop Auto Sets Properties
Document title, date, and to/from fields get set automatically when emails are dragged into the system
DocumentsEdit Linked DocumentEdit document option has been added on the task details screen next to linked documents
DocumentsHide Draft(sendable) Published statusNew preference added to remove Draft(sendable) published status, and allow documents with Draft status to be sent
Case CreationInherit Correspondence Rules From Parent CaseNew preference added to inherit contact rules from the parent case, rather than from the address book correspondence rulesYes
AuthoritiesAuto Add Authorities New preference that allows authorities from the address book to be automatically added as case contacts upon case creationYes
Custom FieldsBulk Update Case Custom FieldsAdded case custom fields to the bulk update tool in the report generator
Bulk Updates
CSV ImporterImport case codes via CSV to be used as the basis for a bulk update
InvoicingAdd New Charges to Invoice PreviewsAllows new charges to be added to an existing invoice preview in the billing wizard


Permissions Updates

System Area
Permissions Update
Bulk Updates
New permission added to allow bulk updates to up to 2500 entries rather than 500
Bulk UpdatesNew permission added to use bulk update CSV tool


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Outgoing Correspondence
Increased size of email editor box when using the 'Edit Email' functionality
Case CreationImproved handling for the setting of the renewal debtor on case creation

User PreferencesIncreased limit of recent cases user preference

Outgoing CorrespondencePrevent duplicate CC's being added as part of correspondence override rules



System AreaFix
Correspondence OverrridesFixed display of family overrides on cases