v9.3.2 was made available for release from 08/11/2021.

New Features

System AreaNew FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
FinanceLegal Entity Aware Billing
Legal Entities configured at a matter level now work with invoice generation
Client Access
View Billed Charges OnlyAdded a new setting to limit Client Access user's access to unbilled chargesYes
DocumentsShow Document Time (Subscriber)Added preference to show time against the date on the documents tab for a whole subscriber
Show Document Time (User)
Added preference to show time against the date on the documents tab for a user


Permissions Updates

System Area
Permissions Update
DiscountsApplied permissions to Discount tool on the matter summary page
ReportsUpdated reports bar to prevent users with read permissions updating other's reports


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Matter ContactsUpdated the dropdown, when adding a foreign associate to a matter, to be searchable

Matter ContactsWhen manually adding an associate to a case, you can now search for an associate organisation

Address BookAdded searching to preferred associate tool

WorkflowsAdded collection column and filter to chargesheet for systems using workflows
ReportsAdded status column to unbilled charge report & unbilled charges by matter report

Scheduled InvoicingAdded linked matter information to the manual generation part of scheduled invoicing
Matter ContactsRemoved typo from Edit/Remove links on matter contacts

DocumentsAdded additional download button to the top of the bulk download page

TasksAdded additional button at the top of the page when adding multiple documents to a task

Client AccessRemoved bill guide number column from charge details in client access

Client AccessMade table wider for client information when creating client access accounts

Client AccessMade UI tweaks to the password page when creating client access accounts

Client AccessMade UI tweaks to the restrictions page when creating client access accounts

Client AccessMade UI tweaks to the settings page when creating client access accounts

DocumentsAdded setup date and setup by to document history when editing a document

System AdminRemoved erroneous stats from system statistics page

Address BookIncreased the length of the website field to 120 characters for a location

Address BookIncreased the length of the phone 1 field to 40 characters for a location

Address BookIncreased the length of the phone 2 field to 40 characters for a location

DocumentsRe-added "visited" effects to download and preview buttons on the documents tab of a case



System AreaFix
ReportsFixed layout width for report columns with large titles
ReportsFixed issue that generated reports in Arial when Helvetica was selected
User AdminFixed Letter Name 2 appearing twice when editing user information
User AdminRemoved typo in Legal Entity when editing user information
User AdminCorrect (default) currency now shown for charge rates when editing user information
List & FindsFixed an issue with List and Find by applicant
ReportsRemoved leading comma for minus figures in the report generator
GeneralRemoved typo in dropdowns
TasksResolved issue where task setup by and modified by information was retrieved incorrectly
DocumentsResolved issue where the document sidebar would open when clicking the download icon
WorkflowsFixed an issue with the title when undoing a workflow with a pdf
DocumentsFixed the display of the warning when deleting multiple documents
DocumentsRemoved link for "Convert PDF to Image" from documents due to issues
RecordalsSwapped incorrectly labelled columns headers in the Recordals table
Added currency rate, markup and charge value to copy charge to matter tooling
MattersResolved an issue with previewing and expanding details of Goods and Classes on the matter details page
GeneralRemoved links to demo videos from left menu for clients in the trial phase - these videos no longer exist
Instance id now removed from linked documents when undoing workflows
MattersGoods and classes cannot be updated to conflict with existing Goods/Class entries
WorkflowsLinked task now removed from linked document when undoing workflows
PTO ImporterAdded handling for additional EPO data formatting.