What are document views?

Document views provide an additional way to categorise documents stored on a case. A document view is a tab that appears at the top of the case documents, and each document uploaded can be assigned to a view automatically based on pre-defined rules, or manually assigned to a view by the user. 

Where do I find the document views functionality?

Document views can be configured in:

\1.   System

\2.   Document views

The ‘Document Views’ page shows the document views that you have already configured in Equinox.


View of System Customisation screen on Equinox. The Document Views functionality is located on the bottom left-hand-side of the screen.

Existing views are displayed on the left-hand-side of the screen in the ‘Configured Views’ table. This table contains the following information:

·    The name you have assigned to each document view

·    The case category this view is applied to

·    The priority number assigned to each view

·    The number of rules associated with each document view type


After document views have been configured, they will be visible on the documents tab of the relevant Equinox cases. An ‘All’ tab is also created by default­­ —this will show all documents associated with that case, regardless of whether they’ve also been assigned to a specific view.

How do I create a new document view?

A document view can be created using the ‘Add View’ button from the ‘Manage Document Views’ page. This will open a ‘Create View’ form with the following fields:

·    Name—Enter a name for your document view. This is the name that will appear in the case ‘Documents’ tab.

·    Category —This is the case category that the view will be used for. If you want to use the document view on all case types, you should set the category to ‘All’. If you only want to use the View on a specific category, choose the specific case category from the dropdown, and it will only be used on that case type.

·    Priority—A document can only be assigned to one view. For scenarios where a document meets the rule criteria of multiple document views, the priority number determines which view the document will be assigned to. 

·    Rules—Rules can only be specified after the view has been created. 

After you have created a view, you can specify rules that will dictate how newly uploaded documents are assigned a view. The rules can be added via the ‘Add rule’ option. The available rules are below:

·    Extension­—This is based on the file type. Equinox supports all file types. The file type values must be comma-separated if more than one file type is being used for the rule.

Note: When using the extension rule, specify file type as: pdf, csv NOT .pdf, .csv. If you use a full stop, the document won’t be viewable in the expected section.

 Correct: csv, eml, pdf  Incorrect: .csv, .eml, .pdf

·    Folder—This is based on the document folder that is assigned to the document at the point of upload. Multiple folders can be selected from the ‘Values’ dropdown field.

·    Title—This is based on the document title as it is uploaded to Equinox. If you’re using more than one value criteria, these must be comma separated. For example, if you wanted to create an ‘Accounts’ view, you may choose the ‘Title’ type, with Operator ‘Contains’, with Values configured as ‘Accounts, Invoice, Credit Note’. This would mean if the title contained any of these words, the document would be assigned the ‘Accounts’ view.

The following Boolean operators control how rules function in Equinox:

o  Equals

o  Not Equals

o  Contains

o  Not Contains

Note: It is possible to add more than one rule to a document view by using the ‘Add Rule’ option when an existing rule already exists. This means the document must meet the criteria of both rules to be assigned the view.

Example–How to create a new document view

 You want to create a specific document view for all emails associated with trade mark cases. To do this, follow the steps below:

\1.    Click the green ‘Add View’ button on the ‘Manage Document Views’ page.

\2.    Enter the name, category and priority number for the view you wish to create, then click the green ‘Create’ button to save your view.

\3.    To add a new rule, click the green ‘Add rule’ button.

\4.    Select the data type you wish to create a rule for, and enter the values you want to apply to the rule. When complete, click the green ‘Update’ button.

What about a document that meets multiple rules? Where would that go?   

These scenarios are why document views have priority numbers. You can rank each view with a different priority number, with the lowest number being the least important and the highest number the most important. If you had a view set up for all emails, and a view set up for documents that are in the client folder - if you uploaded an email into the client folder, the priority number decides which view the email will appear in. If the ‘Email’ view has priority 4 but the ‘Client’ view has priority 6, the document will be assigned to the ‘Client’ view because it has the higher priority. Conversely, if the ‘Email’ view has priority 8 but the ‘Client’ view has priority 5, the document will be assigned to the ‘Email’ view. The higher the priority number, the higher the priority. 

How do I edit an existing view?

To edit an existing view, go to the ‘Manage Document Views’ page, then click the ‘edit’ button to the right of the view you want to edit. You can then change the view name, category and priority, and you can edit any existing rules associated with it. Please note that amending the rules or configuration of any views will not change the view that any existing documents are assigned to.

What if I change a document’s details?

A document is assigned a view when it’s first uploaded to the system. If you change the document details after this and the document then matches the criteria of a different view, the view won't be updated. This is a deliberate design choice. We chose this configuration to prevent documents that have been manually assigned a specific view unintentionally moving between views when the configuration is updated.

 If you want to change a document’s view after you have created it, the view can be updated manually. You can either update views individually or in bulk using our ‘Multiple Change View’ tool.

Creating a document view on a single case

Each case is unique, so you might want to configure your document views on a case-by-case basis. If you want a case-specific document view, click the ‘+’ icon on the filter bar in the ‘Case Documents’ tab. You can then name and create a view specific to this case. Please note the document view will be available to all users who access the case. It is not possible to apply any automatic rules to case specific document views; you need to move documents into a case-specific view manually.

How do I change the view assigned to an individual document?

 To change the view of an individual document:

\1.    Click on the document you want to edit. This will take you to the ‘Edit Document’ page.


\2.    Click on the ‘View’ dropdown menu



\3.    Select the view you want to apply to the case.

How are document views displayed on the ‘Case Documents’ tab?

The filter bar on Equinox is arranged in the following way (from left to right):

\1.    Global rules (A-Z)

\2.    Category-specific rules (A-Z)

\3.    Case-specific rules (A-Z)

You cannot change this order.

What if I want to override a rule?

Equinox makes it easy to manually override rules when you need to. To override a rule, you can drag and drop the document directly into the view where you want it to be displayed.

Example–How to override a rule

You upload an eml file to Equinox. Each case has three view tabs – 'All’, ‘Email’ and ‘Custom View’. The rules you have configured mean that all eml files will be displayed in the ‘All’ and ‘Email’ views; however, in this case you want it to be displayed in the ‘Custom View’ tab as well. How do you display the file in this view?

All you need to do is drag and drop the file directly into the view where you’d like it to be displayed. Dragging and dropping the file directly into the ‘Custom View’ tab means the file will be assigned this view, overriding the background rules you have set up. Files can only be displayed in ‘All’ and one other view at a time, so the file will be shown in the ‘Custom View’ tab but not in the ‘Email’ tab. If you drag and drop a document into ‘All’ rather than a specific view, the standard rules will be applied. 

How do I change the view assigned to multiple documents? 

Sometimes you’ll want to change the view for lots of documents simultaneously. To do this in Equinox:

\1.    Visit the ‘Documents’ tab of the case

\2.    Click ‘Multiple Change View’ on the left-hand menu bar

\3.    Tick all the documents you want to change

\4.    From the dropdown menu displayed above the list of documents, select the view you want to change those documents to

\5.    Click the green ‘Update’ button

\6.    Equinox will assign the documents to the view you have selected and will take you to that view page

Are existing documents automatically assigned to document views when the view is created in Equinox? 

When document views are configured in your system, we don't automatically retrospectively apply these views to existing documents on your system. It’s possible for our support team to run bulk updates to do this for you when you have fully configured the views as you’d like to use them. To request this, please contact our support team on [email protected] after you have defined your rules.