How do I split charges in Equinox? 

You can split charges in Equinox by following these steps:

1. Go to the ‘Charges’ tab of your case.

2. Select ‘Split Charges’ from the left-hand menu.

A screenshot of the 'Charges' screen of a case with 'Split Charges' highlighted in red in the bottom left-hand-side of the screen.

3. The ‘Split Charges’ window will show all unbilled charges on a case. Billed charges will not appear here.

4. In the percentage field under ‘Details’, enter the percentage you want to split a charge by.

5. Tick the box next to the amount you wish to split the charge for.

6. Click the green ‘Create’ button at the bottom right of the page.

7. Equinox takes you back to the charges page. You can see that the selected charge, ‘Our service charge for filing a UK Trade Mark’, has been halved. A green ‘Split Charges’ notification appears at the bottom right of the screen. This confirms your changes.

Note: The ‘Split charges’ functionality only affects charges you have selected. If you don’t tick the box next to a charge, it won’t change.

How do I split time charges in Equinox?

Like fixed charges, you can split time charges in Equinox. The process is the same as the one outlined for fixed charges. The difference is that for time charges, the time amount will also be split. 

Can I split fixed and time charges at the same time?

Yes! Equinox makes it easy to split fixed and time charges at the same time. In this example, we will be splitting a fixed charge and a time charge by 50%. To do this:

1. Tick multiple charges of different types on the Split Charges page, as in the screenshot below.

2. Click the green 'Create' button.

3. You can now see the split time charge and the split fixed charge in your Equinox system.