What an ethical wall does 

Ethical walls allow you to prevent users from accessing cases associated with certain clients.


Who can set ethical walls

Not all users can set up ethical walls. Generally only admin users can create ethical walls in Equinox. Your company will decide on its own exact controls.


Set up an ethical wall in Equinox 

To set up an ethical wall in Equinox:

  1. Go to the System screen in Equinox and click on Ethical Wall Management.

  2. Equinox will take you to the Ethical Walls Blocked Access Logs page. This page displays a list of all users configured in your Equinox system. The table of users contains the following information for each user:
  • Username
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Rules

Edit ethical walls for a specific user

To edit the ethical walls associated with a user, click on the ‘Edit’ button on the far right of the table.

A screenshot of the 'Ethical Walls Blocked Access Logs' page with the 'Edit' button on the right-hand side highlighted by a red box.


Create an ethical wall for a specific user

In this example we'll create an ethical wall for Dummy User. To create this ethical wall:

  1.  Click the Edit button next to the user's name
  2. This takes you to a page called Ethical Walls Management: Dummy 
  3. Type the name of a client you want to create an ethical wall for into the white box (indicated by the red arrow labelled ‘1’). As you type the client’s name, it'll appear in a dropdown list. 
  4. Select the client from the dropdown list.
  5. Click the green Add Rule button (indicated by the red arrow labelled ‘2’).

A screenshot of the Ethical Walls page showing all ethical walls that have been set up so Dummy user cannot access this information. In the 'Add Rule' box, a red arrow numbered 1 points to the dropdown menu, and a red arrow numbered 2 points to the green 'Add Rule' box.


When an ethical wall is successfully set up, it will appear in the Client box (highlighted in red in the screenshot below).

Dummy User can no longer access any case tabs or download any documents associated with the client Example Client.

A screenshot of the Ethical Walls page showing all ethical walls that have been set up so Dummy user cannot access this information.


Client information a user can still see when they're restricted by an ethical wall

Note: An ethical wall does not prevent a user from seeing all information associated with a client.

A user restricted by an ethical wall will still be able to see case information in other system areas, such as:

  • Reporting tools
  • All cases
  • All tasks

How to know if an unauthorised user has tried to access case information that's behind an ethical wall

Equinox logs any attempts a user makes to view a case that an ethical wall blocks them from.


To view these logs, click the Attempted Access Logs button on the Ethical Walls Blocked Access Logs page.

A screenshot of the 'Ethical Walls Blocked Access Logs' page with the 'Attempted Access Logs' button highlighted in red.

This takes you to the ‘Ethical Walls Management’ page. You’ll see a list of users’ attempts to access information that’s behind an ethical wall. The Ethical Walls Management page contains the following information:

  • The date and time a blocked user tried to access the information
  • Which blocked user tried to view this information
  • Which client’s information they tried to view
  • The page the blocked user was trying to access

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Description automatically generated

What happens if you try to access a case you're blocked from by an ethical wall

If you try to access a case and are blocked by an ethical wall, the following message will appear. Your attempt to access this information will be passed on to your administrator.

A screenshot of the 'Access Denied' message that appears when you try to view information that's blocked by an ethical wall. The message reads 'You do not have permissions to access this area. Please contact your administrator and provide them with the following details'. There is a grey 'Back' button underneath this message.

What to do if you're blocked by an ethical wall but should have access to the case

If you/re blocked by an ethical wall but should not be, please contact your administrator and provide the case details.