Find information about official fees

You can find information about all of the official fees Equinox tracks by clicking on the 'Official Fees' tab in the toolbar at the top of the IP Law Portal. You can access this page from any other page of the IP Law Portal.

Manage official fees via the IP Law Portal

The IP Law Portal helps you manage the official fees for cases you're working on by storing all official fees in an easy to search place. The IP Law Portal records the following information for all official fees Equinox handles:

  • IP Type

  • Country

  • Description

  • Amount

  • Equinox Code

Find a specific official fee on the IP Law Portal

You can search for official fees on the IP Law Portal by:

  • Selecting an IP type from the IP Type dropdown menu

  • Selecting a jurisdiction from the Country dropdown menu

  • Entering a keyword/keywords contained in the Description search box

Example - How to use the 'Description' search box to find an official fee

In this example, imagine you're looking for any official fees relating to the fourth renewal of a piece of intellectual property. To find this information on the IP Law Portal:

  1. Type the keywords 'fourth renewal' into the Description search box

  2. Click Search

  3. The IP Law Portal will return all fees relating to a fourth renewal. In this case, you can see a fourth renewal fee of EUR 180 for EU designs, and a fourth renewal fee of GBP 140 for GB designs. 

Search by more than one characteristic at once

You can search by more than one characteristic at once. 

Example - Finding official fees for German trade marks

In this example imagine you're looking for official fees relating to German trade marks. To help you find these official fees, you can search the IP Law Portal using the  Country and IP type fields at the same time. To do this:

  1. Select Trade mark from the IP Type dropdown menu

  2. Select Germany from the Country dropdown menu

  3. Click Search

  4. You can now see a list of all official fees relating to German trade marks stored in the IP Law Portal