
The IP Law Portal is Equinox's handy tool designed to help you keep track of IP-related law changes, fees and more. You can carry out all sorts of IP-related tasks from within the IP Law Portal, including:

  • Searching through our list of legislation changes from monitored jurisdictions 
  • Consulting our full list of renewal laws
  • Networking with other firms who use Equinox

Information you can find in the IP Law Portal

The toolbar at the top of the IP Law Portal contains the following tabs:

  • Dashboard
  • Law notifications
  • Jurisdictions
  • Pre-sets
  • Official Fees
  • Renewal Laws
  • Members Directory

You can search the IP Law Portal by using the search bar in the top right-hand corner of every page.

You can view and edit your profile information by clicking on the person icon next to the search bar.


Note: You can find these features at the top of every page of the IP Law Portal, making it simple for you to find your way around.

Log in to the IP Law Portal

To log in to the IP Law Portal, you first need to be logged in to your Equinox user account.

Once logged into Equinox, you can access the IP Law Portal in two ways:

  • Click the IP Law Portal logo at the bottom of Equinox. You can see this logo on every page of your Equinox system, making it simple for you to navigate to.

  • Via the System section. Go to: System > System Tools > IP Services Portal

What happens if I try to log in to the IP Law Portal without logging in to Equinox?

You need to be logged in to your Equinox user account to use the IP Law Portal. If you try to access the IP Law Portal when you're not logged in, you’ll see a message telling you that you need to log in to your Equinox account before using the IP Law Portal.

I'm logged into Equinox but I'm getting the error screen. Why's this?

If you're logged into Equinox but are seeing the above error message when trying to access the IP Law Portal, this usually means your IP Law Portal session has timed out due to inactivity and logged you out. Click the IP Portal logo in your Equinox system to relaunch the IP Law Portal.

Log out of the IP Law Portal

To log out of the IP Law Portal:

1. Click the person icon on the top right-hand side of the screen

2. A dropdown list will appear

3. Select Sign Out from the bottom of the dropdown list

4. The Logged Out screen will appear to let you know you've successfully logged out

Note: Logging out of the IP Law Portal only ends your IP Law Portal Session. It doesn't log you out of Equinox.