Where to find pre-sets on the IP Law Portal

To find pre-sets on the IP Law Portal, click on the 'Pre-sets' tab. This tab is visible from any screen of the IP Law Portal.

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From here, you can view the pre-sets that you can install in your Equinox system.

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Will my pre-sets always be up to date?

Yes! The Equinox team makes sure that our set of default pre-sets is always kept up to date with any legislation changes.

Any changes we make to our default pre-sets will be added to our Law Notifications tab on the IP Law Portal.

We always notify our subscribers of changes to our default set of pre-sets in our weekly email updates. 

Note: If you would like to know how to subscribe to our weekly email updates, see our article explaining Your IP Law Portal User Profile.

Install an individual pre-set

You can install an individual pre-set via the IP Law Portal.

  1. Search for the country you're installing a new pre-set for. In these examples, we'll be installing pre-sets for China, so we'll select China from the Country dropdown menu
  2. Click the Search button on the right-hand side

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  1. The IP Law Portal will display all pre-sets it has found for China
  2. Click on the pre-set you want to install to display more information about it

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  1. Click the Install on Equinox button to install your chosen pre-set

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  1. Click the View on Equinox button to see your newly added pre-set

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  1. You can now see this pre-set in your Equinox system

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Find out which tasks are included in a specific pre-set

If you'd like more information on the tasks included in a specific pre-set, click the name of the pre-set. The IP Law Portal will provide you with full details about the pre-set, including:

  • Custom dates that have been included
  • History notes detailing any changes made by the Equinox team

Bulk install pre-sets based on jurisdiction

Example - Filing IP rights in China

In this example, your client has instructed you to file rights in China. You haven't worked in China before so don't have any existing pre-sets on your system.

Instead of manually installing your pre-sets one-by-one, you can bulk install pre-sets for China from the IP Law Portal by following these steps:

  1. On the Pre-sets tab of the IP Law Portal, select the required country (in this case, China) from the dropdown menu
  2. Click the Search button
  3. The IP Law Portal then shows you any existing pre-sets for your selected jurisdiction. We can see that there are currently five pre-sets for China on the IP Law Portal
  4. To install all five of these pre-sets for China at once, click the Bulk Install button on the top right-hand-side of the page

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  1. You'll see a dropdown box in the middle of the screen. From this box, select the country you want to install pre-sets for - in this case, China
  2. Click the Run button on the bottom right of the screen

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  1. When you return to your Equinox system, the Chinese pre-sets are available for you to use. You can filter pre-set tasks by typing the country code into the Country column on the pre-set tasks page, then clicking the green Filter button

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Note: We assign an Equinox ID to all pre-sets you bulk import into Equinox, making it easy for you to find a specific pre-set.

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When is bulk installing pre-sets helpful?

You might find the ability to bulk install pre-sets useful when a client sends instructions to file an IP right in a jurisdiction you haven't worked in before. As you've not worked in this country before, you won't yet have any pre-sets in your Equinox system to help you. Bulk installing pre-sets will save you time.

In this example, you’re working on a case that’s being filed in China. When you check the IP Law Portal, you see that an extra task has been added to this pre-set. When the Equinox team adds new tasks to a pre-set, we also include a history note explaining why any new tasks have been added.

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To update the current pre-set:

  1. Click the Update on Equinox button at the top right of the screen
  2. The message below appears so you can confirm that you want to update the pre-set

If you want to update the pre-set, click the Update on Equinox button at the bottom of the pop-up message

Note: Updating a pre-set will not change any task descriptions or make any changes to any tasks you have manually added. It will, however, update any offset calculations and the key pre-set information stored in the top-left section of your pre-set.

Edit existing pre-sets

You can edit pre-sets already in your Equinox system so their wording follows your usual processes.

In this example, you need to change the name of a task associated with a pre-set. To do this:

  1. Select the task you want to edit from the list of tasks on the pre-set page in Equinox

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2. You can see the full details of the task you're editing in the Edit Task box on the right-hand side of the screen. In this screen, you can edit any wordings to fall in line with your usual processes

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 Add new tasks to existing pre-sets

To add tasks to existing pre-sets:

  1. From the dropdown menu, select how many tasks you want to add to your pre-set. In this case, we already have one pre-set task, but we would like to add another one, so we'll select ‘1’ from the dropdown menu

  1. Click the red Go button to the right of the dropdown menu
  2. An Edit Task box will appear on the right-hand-side of the screen. You can add all relevant pieces of information to your new task here.
  3. Click the Update button in the top right-hand corner of the screen to save the new task

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  1. The list of tasks will reload, and you'll see that your new task has now been saved to Equinox

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IP Law Portal pre-sets video

If you would like to view this information in video format, see our video on the IP Law Portal Pre-sets Feature.