This article explains how to view and edit your IP Law Portal user profile, and how to sign up to Equinox's newsletters from your profile page. 


View your IP Law Portal user profile

You can view your user profile in the Equinox IP Law Portal by clicking the person icon on the top right of the screen, to the right of the search bar. The user profile link is in the same place no matter which page of the IP Law Portal you're on. 

To view your profile details:

  1. Click the person icon next to the search box on the top right of the page

2. Click My Profile in the dropdown menu

3. You'll then be able to view and edit your user profile


Edit your IP Law Portal user profile

You can edit the following fields in your profile:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Job title
  • Profile picture

Note: Profile pictures must be in one of these formats:

  • Png 
  • Jpg 
  • Jpeg format


Sign up to Equinox's IP newsletters

Equinox produces multiple weekly newsletters to keep you up to date with all the latest IP-related developments. We send out these three newsletters every week:

  • Weekly patent email
  • Weekly trademark email
  • Weekly design email

Not subscribed to our newsletters yet? Just click the sliding button to subscribe! When you’re subscribed to a newsletter, the button will be blue and on the right-hand side of the bar.