This article explains how to process the charges from a renewal due date and convert them to charges on a case.


Processing charges 

Charges are typically processed via the Invoicing step of the renewals process.

 To process the charges:

  1. Click the Process Charges button in the progress bar. This will display a pop-up of the charges that will be added to the case:

  1. If you need to make any changes to the charges before adding them to the case, close the pop-up and manually amend the details in the Charges section of the due date page.

  2. Click Process Charges to process the charges and add them to the case.

  3. The cases are now visible on the case charges tab: 

    The charge properties will be set based on the corresponding charge sheet item that they are linked to.

    After the charges have been processed, the Charges section of the due date page will update to show that they have been processed, and no further updates to the charges will be possible from this page:


What if I need to process the charges before inputting an instruction?

If you need to process the charges before an instruction has been input, you can do this via the Force Process Charges button on the due date page: 

As an example, you could use this functionality if you need to invoice the client for the renewal charges before instructing and completing the renewal.

 When you use this option, the charges will be processed and added to the case in the same way as above, and it won't be possible to update or link any further charges to this due date.