This page explains how to manage the values contained in dropdown menus in your Equinox system.

Where do I find the 'Manage Dropdowns' page?

You can manage your dropdown menus in the System section of Equinox:

  1. Go to the System Customisation box

  2. Click on Manage Dropdowns

What information is on the 'Manage dropdowns' page?

On the left-hand side of the screen, you'll see a list of the different dropdowns available in Equinox.

On the right-hand side of the screen, you'll see the values available for the dropdown field you have selected from the list on the left-hand side. In this case, we've selected Contact Types, so we'll see the values contained in the Contact Types dropdown menu.

How to add a new value to a dropdown menu

In this example, we'll add a new contact labelled New Contact Type

To do this:

  1. Click the Add New button on the top right of the screen

  2. Type New Contact Type into the blank value box that's appeared at the bottom of your list of dropdowns

  3. Click Update

How to edit an existing value in the dropdown menu

You can easily edit existing values in your dropdown menus. In this example, we've decided we want to change 'University' to 'Research Institute'. To make this change:

  1. Click on the value 'University'

  2. Delete the word 'University'

  3. Type in 'Research Institute'

  4. Click 'Update'

  5. 'Research Institute' is now an available contact type

How to delete a value you're no longer using

It's easy to delete values you're no longer using from dropdown menus in Equinox. In this example, we'll delete the contact type 'Accountant'. 

To do this:

  1. Click 'Delete' next to the 'Accountant' dropdown

  2. Click 'Update' to remove the dropdown

  1. You can see that the Contact Types dropdown menu no longer contains the value 'Accountant'

Note: If a value is currently in use in Equinox, you won't be able to delete it. As you can see in the screenshot below, there isn't an option to delete values that are currently being used.