v10.3.4 was made available for release from 30/03/2023.

New Features

New FeatureDescriptionContact Support to Use
System translations - BETA
The system is now available in French, German and Japanese Yes
Customise fields on charges tabAdded the ability to change or re-order the fields that appear on the case charges tab, via System > Customise Table Layouts



System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Address BookClicking 'Yes' on the Applicant, Inventors and Licensees list now displays the address of the statutory contact
TimerA new button to open a timer has been added to the top navigation bar, allowing a timer to be started and then linked to a case subsequently
TimerImproved timer handling to not redirect you to the case details tab of a case when opening a timer if you are already on the case

FinanceAdded ability to edit specific user charge rate amounts rather than needing to delete and re-add
CasesAdded register links for CZ patents and trade marks
FinanceAdded charge status to manual invoicing list (scheduled invoicing only)



System AreaFix
CasesResolved issue with INPI register link
Various performance optimisations across certain finance and address book pages
GeneralResolved issues with searching using various language characters
ReportsResolved issue with display of dates, display of HTML, and download generation
ExpressionsResolved issue with saving various language characters in expressions
RenewalsResolved issue with renewals via associates (enterprise mode)