You can customise the Details screen of cases depending on the:

  • Category

  • Sub-category

  • Country 

You can show, hide or group fields into blocks depending on these variables. Our default arrangement shouldn’t, however, require too much amending (perhaps you’ll have a few extra custom fields you want to add in, but that’s usually about it).

All IP case types have their fields grouped into field blocks in the following way:

Field nameField Description
Key Case InformationThis is where the most important pieces of information are stored, e.g., the category, sub-category and country of the case.
Official DatesThis is where all the history fields are stored - these will change depending on type of case (for example, a first filing application won't have a priority field, but a claiming priority case will)
Client InformationThis is where the client, debtor and client reference information are stored.
Other InformationThis is where any other fields are stored, e.g., notes, renewals responsibility, goods and classes for trade marks, etc. It’s also likely this is where any custom fields that you add into the system will live.