This article explains Equinox's default list of case statuses and their definitions.


What are case statuses?

Case statuses in Equinox are made of two main types of status: Live and Closed.

Live case statuses are used on cases that are still active and represent what stage a particular case is at in its lifecycle. 

Closed statuses are used on cases that are, for whatever reason, no longer active. They typically comprise of a short description explaining the reason the case became inactive.

Our default status list is short and succinct. This is our recommended best practice as it helps to ensure that statuses are used correctly whilst still offering the user adequate information about which stage the application is at. If further details of its status are required, the user can check the tasks and documents on the case to determine the exact progress of the application.

Case status definitions

The table below outlines the default categories and sub-categories used in your system, along with a description of how that category/sub-category is used.

Not yet filed (L)Any application that’s actively being worked on but is yet to be filed at the corresponding official office residing in that jurisdiction
Pending (L)Any application that has been filed at the official office and is potentially published but hasn’t yet been registered/granted
Opposed (L)Any application that’s currently in the process of being opposed
Registered (L)Any trade mark or design application that has been registered
Granted (L)Any patent application that has been granted
Live (L)A generic live status, typically used for non-IP cases
Abandoned (C)Any application that has been abandoned by the applicant at any point in its lifecycle
Lapsed (C)Any application that has either lapsed due to expiry, or been allowed to lapse by the applicant by not paying the necessary annuity fees
Refused (C)Any application that has for whatever reason been refused by the examiner at the corresponding official office
Closed (C)A generic closed status, typically used for non-IP cases