When creating subsequent cases using the copy case tool or one of the multi-copy case tools, Equinox will automatically copy dates and numbers from the parent case to the child case. Sometimes these are copied from field to field (such as earliest priority information) and sometimes they will map to a new field (such as moving the filing details of a first filing application into the priority field of the new child application claiming priority).
The tables below outline all the rules that we have set up in your template system, in line with our ‘storing official dates & numbers ’ recommended best practice.
You can change the default date and number mapping if you'd like. See our article on official date and number mapping tooling for more information.
Patent New case sub-category Copy data from Copy data to Copy date Copy CC Copy number Claiming Priority Filing Priority Yes Yes Yes Divisional Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Divisional Filing Parent Filing Yes Yes Yes Validation of EP Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Validation of EP Filing Filing Yes Yes Yes Validation of EP Publication Publication Yes Yes Yes Validation of EP Grant Grant Yes Yes Yes Nationalisation of PCT Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Nationalisation of PCT Filing Filing Yes No No Nationalisation of PCT Filing PCT Filing Yes Yes Yes Nationalisation of PCT Publication PCT Publication Yes Yes Yes Continuation in Part Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Continuation in Part Filing Filing Yes Yes No Continuation in Part Filing Parent Filing Yes Yes Yes Continuation Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Continuation Filing Filing Yes Yes No Continuation Filing Parent Filing Yes Yes Yes SPC Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes
Trade Mark New case sub-category Copy data from Copy data to Copy date Copy country code Copy number Claiming Priority Filing Priority Yes Yes Yes National Right of Madrid Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes National Right of Madrid Filing Filing Yes Yes Yes
Design New case sub-category Copy data from Copy data to Copy date Copy country code Copy number Claiming Priority Filing Priority Yes Yes Yes Claiming Priority Filing Filing Yes No No National Right of Hague Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes National Right of Hague Filing Filing Yes No No Divisional Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Divisional Filing Filing Yes Yes No Divisional Filing Parent Filing Yes Yes Yes
Opposition New case sub-category Copy data from Copy data to Copy date Copy country code Copy number Filed against us - Patent Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Filed against us - Patent Filing Opposed Application Yes Yes Yes Filed against us - Patent Publication Publication Yes Yes Yes Filed against us - Patent Grant Grant Yes Yes Yes Filed against us - Trade mark Priority Priority Yes Yes Yes Filed against us - Trade mark Filing Opposed Application Yes Yes Yes