This article provides an overview of how to add, edit and delete correspondence overrides in Equinox.


Correspondence Override Levels

Correspondence overrides are available in Equinox on three levels:

  • Organisation level - When you're writing to any person that belongs to that organisation

  • Family level - When you're writing to someone associated with a case in a certain family

  • Case level - When you're writing to someone associated with a specific case

Global Correspondence Override Management

To globally manage correspondence override in Equinox:

  1. Go to Address Book > Correspondence Overrides

  2. This takes you to the OC Overrides page, which lists all correspondence overrides currently set up in your system

        Note: This page tells you if an override is organisation-, family- or case-related.

  1. To create a new correspondence override via this page, click Add Override

  2. This takes you to the Add OC Override page, where you can add:

Case Details:

  • Name

  • Override Type

  • Link to a specific case (if required)

For this example we'll create an example override that's limited to a specific case - P10001GB.

  1. Click Add to continue adding this override

  2. Equinox takes you to the Update OC Override page. The first time you're taken to this page after adding a new override, you'll see the message Created Override on the bottom right corner of the screen.

  3. From this page, you can add:

    • Conditions

    • Actions

  4.  A condition is a situation that must be true for that case for this override to be used. To add Conditions where this override rule applies, click Add Condition.

  5. This takes you to the Add OC Conditions page where you can define conditions.

    Note: You must define at least one or more conditions where the override will apply.

    You can define conditions:

    • With an AND clause. For this example we'll create a rule where the correspondence override rule will apply if the Applicant is Agnes AND the Recipient is Mary. To do this:

      1. Set Applicant as Agnes

      2. Set Recipient as Mary

      3. Click Add 

      4. You can now see that this correspondence override will apply to case P10001GB in cases where Applicant is Agnes AND Recipient is Mary

    • With an OR clause. For this example we'll create a rule where the correspondence override will apply if the Applicant is Agnes OR the Recipient is Mary

  6. Note: If you add multiple conditions on one Add OC Conditions page, they will be AND conditions, so the rule will only apply if both X AND Y are true. If you want to set up correspondence overrides that follows OR condition, you'll need to add the conditions in separate instances.

    1. Set Applicant as Agnes

    2. Click Update

    3. Click Add Condition

    4. Set Recipient as Mary

    5. Click Update 

    6. You'll now see these two conditions listed separately on your system, letting Equinox know that the override should apply if Applicant is Agnes OR Recipient is Mary.

  7. An Action is what you want Equinox to do as a result of this override being met. To add an Action, click Add Action 

  8. This takes you to the Add OC Action page, where you can add a single CC, add multiple CCs or change the recipient.

Note: If you want to add multiple CCs in the 'Add freetext CC' box, you must separate each email address in the list with a semi-colon.

  1. When you've made all your required changes, click Add

  1. You'll now see the action to CCs these addresses when the specified conditions are met 

  2. Go to the case you've added the overrides to, then click Contacts > Overrides & Notes. You'll see  your rules in the Case Overrides box.

Adding a Correspondence Rule From a Case

You can also add a correspondence rule directly from the Contacts tab of a case. To do this:

  1. Go to the Contacts tab of the case you want to create a correspondence override for

  2. Click Overrides & Notes 

  3. Equinox will show you any Case and Family overrides already directly associated with this case

    Note: You won't see Organisation-level overrides on this page. This is because the organisation rules Equinox could pick would vary depending on who you were writing to (e.g., instructor, other side contact, associate, etc.) and which organisation they belonged to.

  4. Click Add Override Screenshot

  5. The rest of the process is the same as adding a global correspondence override (see above)

Editing an Existing Correspondence Override

To edit an existing correspondence override rule:

  1. Click Edit next to the rule you want to update

  2. We want to change the rule so it applies when the Recipient is Amal, not Mary

  3. Enter Amal in the Recipient field

  4. Click Update

  5. Now Equinox shows this override as applying in cases where Agnes is the Applicant AND Amal is the Recipient

Delete a Correspondence Override 

To delete an existing correspondence override rule, click Delete next to the condition you want to remove from your system