This article provides an overview of the User Edit screen. 

For specific examples of how to edit information, see Edit User Information.

Note: Users will require specific permissions to use this functionality.

Access the User Edit Screen

To access the user edit screen:

  1. Go to System Customisation > User Account Management 

  2. You'll see a list of all users of your Equinox system

  3. Click on the name of the user whose details you want to edit

  4. This takes you to the User Edit screen 

  5. This screen is divided into four sections:

    • Account Overview

    • User Titles/Settings

    • Login Details

    • Login history

Account Overview

This section includes the user's basic details (e.g., name, Equinox login email, user role).

Click the Edit roles button here to edit the roles assigned to this user.

User Titles/Settings

You can enter the following details in text fields:

  • Username

  • First name

  • Surname

  • Initials

  • Secondary Email

  • Letter names

  • Letter titles

  • Phone numbers

You can enter the following information from dropdown menus:

  • Office

  • Legal entity

  • Display Language

  • Default Dashboard

Login Details

This section includes the user's Equinox login details.

From here you can:

  • Update the user's email

  • Reset the user's password

  • Set user to inactive

  • Enable/disable the user's profile

  • Edit the user's default charge rate

Login History

This section provides an overview of the last ten times the user accessed their Equinox account.