Admin users can access the System Permissions section to control user permissions on your system. This article gives an overview of what system permissions are and how to change them.


System permissions screen overview

The System Permissions screen contains:

  • Usernames

  • Email address used to access Equinox

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Roles

How permissions work

Every Equinox account is assigned a user role. Permissions are set on the role level, rather than against each individual user. Each Equinox section will be assigned one of the following permissions:

Permission nameDescription
NoneUser role cannot access this data
ReadUser role has read-only permissions
EditUser role can edit existing data
CreateUser role can create new data
DeleteUser role can delete existing data

Change user role permissions

To change the permissions linked to a user role:

  1. Go to the Permissions screen

  2. Click the role you want to edit permissions for

  3. This takes you to the Permissions - Edit Role Settings screen

  4. Scroll down to the permission setting you want to edit. In this case we want to set all System Permissions to Create, so we select Create from the relevant dropdown menu 

  5. Click the Save button on the bottom right of the screen to implement your changes

You can also edit user role permissions in this way:

  1. On the Permissions page, click the Edit Role Permissions button

  2. This takes you to the Permissions - Edit Role Settings screen

  3. Select the role you want to update from the dropdown menu

  4. Click the Load button 

  5. This takes you to the Permissions - Edit Role Settings screen

  6. Scroll down to the permission setting you want to edit. In this case we want to set all System Permissions to Create, so we select Create from the relevant dropdown menu 

  7. Click the Save button on the bottom right of the screen to implement your changes

Bulk edit user role permissions

In this example we've created a new account and we want it to have read-only access to Equinox. You can now quickly set all permissions to the correct access level in one go. To do this:

  1. Go to the  Permissions - Edit Role Settings screen

  2. Choose the correct access level (in this case Read) from the Set all to dropdown menu 

  3. Click the Save button on the bottom right of the screen to implement your changes

Rename a user role

You can rename the predefined user roles in your Equinox system. To do this:

  1. Go to the Permissions screen

  2. Click the Role you want to edit the name of

  3. This takes you to the Permissions - Edit Role Settings screen

  4. In this example, we want to change Standard Role to New Standard Role 

  5. Enter the new role name (in this case New Standard Role) in the Role Name text box

  6. Click the green Save button at the bottom of the page

  7. You'll see a message box in the bottom right of the screen telling you that the role name has been updated