You can customise case layouts in Equinox. This article provides an overview of the Case Layouts page, then explains which case layout information you can edit.


Case layouts page overview

  1. Go to System > Case Customisation > Case Layouts 

  2. This takes you to the Case layouts page

  3. On the left-hand side of the page you'll see the Category Filter

  4. Go to the Category box and click the type of layout you want to view. We'll take a look at the 'Trade Mark' case layout

  5. In the centre of the screen is the Case Fields column. This shows the fields that will be displayed on your Equinox cases. It has two subsections:

    • Fields Displayed 

    • Fields Hidden 

Note: If there isn't a Subcategory on the case layout, the Subcategory field defaults to 'All'.

Add a field to your case layout

To add a field to your case layout:

  1. Click the field in the Fields Hidden column

  2. Drag and drop it over to the Fields Displayed column

  3. Click Save Layout to save this layout to your system

Remove a field from your case layout

To remove a field from your case layout:

  1. Click the field in the Fields Displayed column

  2. Drag and drop it over to the Fields Hidden column

  3. Click Save Layout to save this layout to your system

Note: Greyed-out fields are mandatory for that type of case and can't be removed from the layout.

Copy a layout

To copy a layout from one case type to another:

  1. Go to the case layout type you want to copy. In this example we'll copy our General case layout to our Invention cases

  2. Click Copy layout

  3. Go to the case type you want to copy the layout to

  4. Click Paste layout 

  5. The layout has now been changed to match the General Layout

  6. Click Save Layout to save this layout to your system

Remove a layout

To remove a layout from your system:

  1. Click on the layout you want to remove

  2. Click the Remove layout button 

  3. You'll see a message confirming that the layout has been removed

Cancel changes made to a case layout

You can cancel any unwanted changes you've made as long as you haven't already clicked the Save layout button.

To cancel your case layout changes, click the Cancel button.

You'll be taken out of the Case Layout screen and back to the System page.