v11.3.2 was made available for release from 01/02/2024.

New Features

New FeatureDescription
Custom Report Export FormatsAdded a new setting in System > System Preferences that allows a custom date format to be specified for reports exported via the report generator
Japanese Tax Handling
Added functionality to support the calculation and invoicing of consumption and withholding tax in Japan



System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
CasesAdded the display of key associate contacts to the case details tab
CasesAdded Norwegian register link to trade mark cases
CasesAdded IPOI register links to patents, trade marks, and designs
PAVIS IntegrationAdded handling for sub customer, sub reference, cost unit and debitor handling in the integration, and various data transfer improvements
TranslationsAdded updated translations
APIAdded the ability to generate and manage API keys via System > User Details (Admins)



System AreaFix
CasesUpdated Plant Breeders Right CPVO register link to new format
RenewalsResolved issue with currency symbol display in default renewal templates
FinanceResolved issue with updating charge sheet items in JPY
Resolved issue with crediting invoice (scheduled invoices)
Client AccessResolved lower case typos in client access
Address BookResolved issue with statutory contact address book searching
SecurityVarious security enhancements