v11.3.4 was made available for release from 29/02/2024.


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
XeroUpdated Xero integration tax mapping to support different tax mappings per legal entity
PTO ImportUpdated PTO tool to prevent field values being mandatory for family members that are not being imported
Pre-setsUpdated copy pre-set tool to allow components to be copied (checkbox option) 
FinanceUpdated display of JPY charge and invoice amounts to exclude decimal places
PAVIS Added start date handling to PAVIS renewals integration



System AreaFix
RenewalsResolved issue with display of grace period label
ReportsResolved issue with exporting 'All Cases' reports
Pre-setsUpdated pre-set mark as done wizard to support custom closed task statuses when clicking 'Run' or 'Mark as Done only'
ReportsResolved issue with exporting report with + character in report name
Pre-setsUpdated display of task importances throughout system to ensure they display any custom wordings
ReportsUpdated 'Inventor List' report column to output inventor names in the order they are saved on the case
APIResolved issue with additional priority information via API
SystemResolved issue with system wordings not updated for associate contacts