v11.4.4 was made available for release from 06/06/2024.


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
RenewalsUpdated grace period due date calculation to account for end of month setting
RenewalsAdded new setting in Renewals > Settings to automatically close renewals when the case is changed to not responsible for renewals
RenewalsAdded country law option to support months offset for due date calculations for patent cases
Charge ApprovalUpdated charge approval handling to maintain page position after approving all charges for a case
Charge ApprovalThe 'Approve All' checkbox is now hidden if the debtor has not had scheduled invoicing configured, and if using the preference to prevent charges being approved in this scenario

Updated invoice template layouts for JP systems



System AreaFix
FinanceResolved issue with display of location percentage discounts
FinanceResolved issue with charge language usage when adding time charges
Address Book
Updated permission handling to prevent correspondence overrides being created by users with address book read only permissions
Update made to prevent charges being added to closed cases via the timesheet
Updated linked document component to allow any classifications to be linked, not just 'incoming' documents