This article explains how to transfer new cases to PAVIS, and how updates to PAVIS cases are transferred.


Transferring a new case to PAVIS

To transfer a new case to PAVIS, both the Renewals and Renewals Provider field on the case details tab need to be set before you start the renewal process.
The Renewals field should be set to a Responsible value, and the Renewal Provider field should be set to PAVIS, like below:

When the case is eligible for renewals, you can start the renewal process via the Renewals tab. This also acts as the trigger for the case information being sent to PAVIS for the first time. When you access the Renewals tab, Equinox will compare the case data with the renewal country law and determine if a renewal due date is ready to be calculated. If the case is eligible for renewals display , you'll see a screen like this:  

The screen shows the following details:

YearThe suggested renewal year based on the Equinox country law
DateThe suggested renewal due date based on the Equinox country law
CountryThe case country
Based OnThe name of the date that the renewal date has been calculated from
Base DateThe actual date that the renewal date has been calculated from
DescriptionThe difference between the base date and the suggested renewal due date
Renewal ResponsibleThe value from the case Renewals field
Annuities ProviderThe value from the case Renewals Provider field - ensure this is set to PAVIS
PAVIS Order TypeThe PAVIS order type - this can be set to Single or Standing. The field will inherit your default order type which is set in Renewals > Annuities Provider Integration Settings.
Note: On trade mark cases, the order type will display 'Single' and can't be changed. This is because standing orders are not supported on trade mark cases.

When you've verified the information is correct, click Start Renewal. This will transfer the case information to PAVIS for the first time, and generate the renewal due date on Equinox.

Note: We recommend only starting the renewal on Equinox when the case is eligible for renewals - for example if a renewal is due after grant, start the renewal process after the grant information has been input on the case. If you start the renewal process before PAVIS can calculate a due date, this is likely to lead to warnings and errors linked to the renewal.

How do I know if a case has transferred to PAVIS successfully?

After you have clicked 'Start Renewal', you will be taken to the newly generated renewal due date. If there are no errors, the page will display like below:

The 'Provider Details: PAVIS' section shows the PAVIS order type, and the PAVIS ID that has been assigned to the case. 
You can also verify the transfer was successful by checking the 'Renewal Provider History' section on the Renewal:

How do I know if there has been an error with the case transfer?

If an error has been returned as part of the case transfer, this will display on the renewal page. In the example below an error has been returned because the grant date transferred is prior to the application date:

There is no PAVIS ID linked to the renewal yet as the data transfer returned an error. In this instance, the data should be corrected, and then the 'Retry' button can be used to resend the request. For more information on case data errors that can be returned and how to handle them, please see article PAVIS Data Requirements.

Due date comparison

The due date on the Accept Renewal page when starting a renewal is suggested by Equinox based on our country law. This can be modified when you start the renewal process, and is not transferred to PAVIS. 

When you successfully transfer a new case to PAVIS, Equinox automatically retrieves the due date calculated by PAVIS based on the case data that is transferred, and displays it in the system alongside the due date calculated within Equinox. The PAVIS calculated due date is shown as the Provider Due Date:

If there is a discrepancy between the due dates, a Due Date Mismatch warning will show like below:

 If the due date and renewal year in Equinox is incorrect, you can correct these via the Edit button. 

The Provider Due Date field cannot be amended within Equinox, this is calculated by PAVIS. If you believe this is incorrect and the case data is stored on Equinox correctly, we advise to contact PAVIS regarding the due date calculation.

What case data is transferred to PAVIS?

For information on the data is transferred to PAVIS and any specific data requirements, please see our article PAVIS Data Requirements.

How are future updates to the case transferred?

After a case has been successfully linked to PAVIS, future updates that are made to the case are transferred to PAVIS overnight. This keeps the data on the two systems aligned. For example, if you have already started the renewal process but notice an error in the application number, changing the application number on the case will automatically transfer the updated number to PAVIS the following evening. Updates to case information appear in the logs with type 'Matter Update Sent' as below: