This article explains how the final renewal costs and receipt are imported from PAVIS to Equinox.


Automatic import of final costs

When there is less than one month to the renewal due date, Equinox checks the status of any instructed renewals with PAVIS to see if the renewals have been marked as complete..

When the renewal has not yet been marked as complete by PAVIS, this will be logged as a 'Final Price Check' in the renewal provider history logs, and no final costs will be imported. 

When the renewal has been marked as complete by PAVIS, the final cost will be imported into Equinox. This will overwrite the quote that was linked to the renewal as part of the Costs/Quotes step (see article Receiving costs/quotes), and will process the linked renewal charges and convert them to charges on the case. The Invoicing step in the progress bar will also be marked as complete and turn green.

Automatic import of payment receipt

At the same time as the final costs are processed, if a receipt is available via PAVIS then this will also be automatically imported into your Equinox system. Depending on the IP right and country, this could be an official office payment receipt, or a payment receipt from PAVIS.

The receipt document will be automatically added to the Documents tab of the case. It is also possible to automatically generate an outgoing correspondence task with a template and the renewal receipt attached, ready to report to a client. This can be set up via Renewals > Annuities Provider Integration Settings > Receipt Retrieval Settings.