v12.1.4 was made available for release from 13/12/2024.

New Features

New FeatureDescription
Automatic PTO Notification ProcessingAdded the ability for PTO notifications to be processed automatically when they have a matching preset link configured. This option is available for the existing EPO mailbox import, the USPTO e-Office Action notifications, and USPTO TSDR notifications.

Automatic processing can be enabled per notification source in System > System Preferences > PTO integrations.

Preset links (defined in System > PTO Notification Processing) have a setting to disable the automatic processing on individual rules.

With automatic processing turned on, if a notification is imported with a matching rule,the corresponding preset will run automatically, and the document will be saved to the case. The notification will appear as Processed in the PTO Notifications section.

Task Calendar FeedsAdded the ability to create calendar feeds in Equinox that can be used in applications that allow you to import calendars from a URL. The functionality has been tested with Outlook and Google Calendar.

Calendar Feeds can be created via System > Task Calendar Feeds.

Filters are available for the number of months to look ahead, users, task status, task type, task importance, and case cateogory.

After creating the feed, a URL is provided which can be used in applications such as Outlook.



System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
Address Book
Updated organisation details to include count of Renewal Client cases and to link to All Cases by Renewal Client page
FinanceSplit out setting to automatically attach charge supporting documents to invoices into 2 settings - one for single invoice mode and one for combined invoice mode (scheduled invoicing only)



System AreaFix
RenewalsResolved error deleting a renewal where the linked renewal task had previously been deleted
PTO ToolsResolved linking issue with CA trademarks
Resolved 500 error on task screen where a linked document no longer exists but is still linked to the task
Pre-setsUpdated character limit of parent task field
FinanceUpdated general ledger import/export to use the CSV delimiter setting
ReportsResolved issue with 'end of this month' report filter
CorrespondenceResolved issue with formatting of #EXTRA1# merge code output
CasesResolved issue with <br> tags showing on All Cases lists (by applicant and by inventor)
Resolved issue with <br> tags showing on case contacts tab in address field
CasesResolved issue with international design countries not populating correctly in bulk copy case profiles
DashboardsResolved issue with display of empty multi-select field values in dashboard widgets
CasesUpdated case code generation to support subcategory codes for all case categories
Address Book
Resolved issue with Who Pays the Bill links to All Cases page not handling special characters correctly