v12.1.5 was made available for release from 09/01/2025.


System AreaImprovementContact Support to Use
TasksAdded task date filter to All Tasks page and case tasks tab
CasesUpdated family adjust tool to support structured goods and classes
Address BookUpdated Edit Key Overrides page in the address book to list key contact usage for foreign associates and other associates
PAVISUpdated PAVIS integration to support due date comparisons and quote imports during the grace period
PAVISAdded option to automatically regenerate PAVIS costs each month prior to the renewal being instructed
CasesAdded new system case Entity Status field which allows the entity status to be set on the case level, with values of Micro, Small or Large. This field is also used in the PAVIS integration when enabled. This is enabled via System > System Preferences > Cases > Enable Case Entity Status Handling
CasesUpdated custom register link mapping handling to support mapping per subcategory
UIRemoved [L] and [C] from case status dropdowns where used, and [L], [P], [D] from task status dropdowns



System AreaFix
FinanceResolved issue with adding existing charges to budgets with location filters 
FinanceResolved issues with consultant users being unable to access charges with no charge description, and accessing charges in quotes tool
Resolved issue with using inventor list column in dashboard widgets
CasesUpdated family adjust tool to support structured goods and classes
Resolved issue with case specific key contacts not being highlighted green for associates
SystemResolved issue with matter.user.team returning NULL in expressions
Updated copy charge tool to also copy renewal charge flag
RenewalsResolved issue with due date calculation for renewals with a specific day and month defined in the renewal law in specific scenarios, and updated the law engine to roll out up to 50 renewal periods
RenewalsResolved issue with end of month setting not being applied correctly for renewals that have specific periods defined (e.g. DE utility models)