This article provides guidance on using the start date functionality.


What is the Start Date functionality?

The Start date functionality is only relevant if the case is set to standing order. To turn the functionality on, please enable setting Enable Start Date in Renewals > Annuities Provider Integration Settings. This enables a Start Date field that allows you to specify a date from when PAVIS will begin renewal payments. 

Setting the Start Date on new cases being transferred

For new cases being transferred, the start date field is available on the Accept Renewals page. You can input a date in this field, and this will be transferred to PAVIS alongside the case data transfer. 

Setting or amending the Start Date on existing cases linked to PAVIS

You can input or change a Start Date on existing cases that are linked to PAVIS. To do this, use the 'Edit' button in the Provider Details: PAVIS section on the right-hand side of the renewal due date page:

From here, you can amend the PAVIS Start Date, and then click Update. This will transfer the updated start date value to PAVIS instantly.